Verde sau galben? Clasic sau caramel? Lime sau lamaie? Viata este un sir de alegeri. Insa nu de putine ori avem parte de misiuni dificile. In aceasta situatie, pe orice varianta am merge ne vom bucura din plin de gustul romului “Captain Morgan” aromat cu un sirop Mojito homemade sau cu un sirop caramel Monin de la Cadoul Special.
(pentru 1 portie / for 1 serving)
Pentru Clasic Mojito / For Clasic Mojito
- 25 ml rom Captain Morgan / 25 ml Captain Morgan rum
- 50 ml sirop Mojito / 50 ml Mojito syrup
- 150 ml apa minerala / 150 ml mineral water
- 1 lime / 1 lime
- 1 lingurita zahar brun / 1 teaspoon brown sugar
- Menta / Mint
- Gheata / Ice
Pentru Caramel Mojito / For Caramel Mojito
- 25 ml rom Captain Morgan / 25 ml Captain Morgan rum
- 50 ml sirop caramel Monin / 50 ml caramel syrup Monin
- 150 ml apa minerala / 150 ml mineral water
- 1 lamaie / 1 lemon
- Gheata / Ice
Pentru siropul Mojito / For Mojito syrup
- 1 legatura de menta / 1 bunch of mint
- 2 cani zahar brun / 2 cups brown sugar
- 1/2 cana suc de lamaie / 1/2 cup lemon juice
- 2 cani apa / 2 cups water
Pentru inceput pregatim siropul Mojito. Desfacem frunzele de menta de pe tija. Intr-o craticioara amestecam tijele de menta, zaharul, sucul de lamaie si apa si punem la fiert timp de 30 de minute. Strecuram amestecul obtinut si pastram la rece.
Pentru Mojito Clasic, punem intr-un pahar inalt frunze de menta, cuburi de lime si 1 lingurita de zahar si strivim usor. Intr-un shaker amestecam romul, siropul Mojito si gheata. Rasturnam peste amestecul din pahar si completam cu apa minerala. Decoram cu frunze de menta si felii de lime si servim.
Pentru Caramel Mojito, punem intr-un pahar inalt cateva felii de lamaie pe care le presam usor. Intr-un shaker amestecam romul, siropul caramel si gheata. Rasturnam peste amestecul din pahar si completam cu apa minerala. Decoram cu felii de lamaie si servim.
Daca v-a placut confrutarea Clasic Mojito vs. Caramel Mojito, puteti incerca de asemenea Grapefruit Gin & Tonic, Special Flavored Hugo (Strawberry & Limoncello) sau Raspberry Limoncello Prosecco Cocktail.
Multumiri Cadoul Special pentru Party Kit-ul Caramel Mojito.
Clasic Mojito vs. Caramel Mojito
Green or yellow? Classic or caramel? Lime or lemon? Life is a series of choices. But we always have difficult choices. In this situation, whatever we choose, we will fully enjoy the taste of „Captain Morgan” rum, either flavored with a homemade Mojito syrup, or with a Monin caramel syrup from “Cadouri Speciale”
We start with the Mojito syrup. Remove the mint leaves from the stem. In a saucepan mix the mint stalks, sugar, lemon juice and water and cook for 30 minutes. Strain the mixture and keep cold.
For Classic Mojito, put in a tall glass mint leaves, lime cubes and 1 teaspoon of sugar and lightly crush. In a shaker mix the rum, Mojito syrup and ice. Pour over the mixture from the glass and fill with mineral water. Garnish with mint and lime slices and serve.
For Caramel Mojito, put in a tall glass a few slices of lemon lightly press. In a shaker mix the rum, caramel syrup and ice. Pour over the mixture from the glass and fill with mineral water. Garnish with lemon slices and serve.
If you liked Clasic Mojito vs. Caramel Mojito, you can try Grapefruit Gin & Tonic, Special Flavored Hugo (Strawberry & Limoncello) or Raspberry Limoncello Prosecco Cocktail.
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