Cozy Brunch


Cozy Brunch reprezinta cea mai simpla metoda sa ne rasfatam intr-o zi relaxanta de weekend. Croissant cald cu o ceasca de cappuccino, un pahar rece de prosecco, suc proaspat de portocale, ou posat si un platou de mezeluri traditionale sunt ingredientele unui brunch perfect.

Cozy Brunch


(pentru 1 portii / for 1 serving)

  • 1 ou / 1 egg
  • 2 lingurite maioneza / 2 teaspoon mayo
  • 50 ml smantana dulce / 50 ml double cream
  • 1 lingurita mustar / 1 teaspoon mustard
  • 2 linguri suc de lamaie / 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • Mix de mezeluri / Sausage mixt
  • Masline / Olives
  • Castraveti murati / Pickles
  • Mix de salata / Green salad mix
  • Gem / Jam
  • Unt / Butter
  • Croissant / Croissant
Cozy Brunch

Detaliile pregatirii oualelor posate le gasiti aici. Pentru sos, amestecam maioneza cu smantana dulce, mustarul si sucul de lamaie. Daca mai este necesar adaugam putina sare. Pe o felie de paine prajita, adaugam salata verde, oul posat si sosul de maioneza.

Pe un alt platou pregatim un mix de mezeluri. Eu am ales carnat de casa uscat, muschi file uscat si rulada din piept de porc. Am desavarsit cu un amestec de masline si castraveti murati.

Servim ouale posate alaturi de platoul de mezeluri, unt, gem si croissant cald si nu uitam de prosecco, suc proaspat de portocale si evident un cappuccino fierbinte.

Cozy Brunch

Daca v-a placut acest cozy brunch, puteti incerca si un italian brunch, ultimate breakfast sau un epic brunch.

English version

Cozy Brunch

Cozy Brunch is the easiest way to indulge in a relaxing weekend. Warm croissant with cappuccino, a cold glass of prosecco, fresh orange juice, poached egg and a plate of traditional sausages are the ingredients for a perfect brunch.

Details of the preparation of poached eggs can be found here. For the sauce, mix the mayonnaise with the double cream, mustard and lemon juice. If necessary, add a little salt. On a slice of toast, add mix green salad, poached egg and mayonnaise sauce.

On another plate prepare a mix of sausages. I chose dry homemade sausage, dried pork tenderloin and pork roll. Give a little colour with a mixture of olives and pickles.

Serve the eggs placed next to the plate of sausages, butter, jam and hot croissant and do not forget the prosecco, fresh orange juice and obviously a hot cappuccino.

If you liked this cozy brunch, you can also try an Italian brunch, ultimate breakfast or an epic brunch.


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