L-am facut! Am cochetat mult cu ideea si in cele din urma m-am decis! Si acum serios… as putea sorbi din el toata ziua. Este racoritor si dulce, cu o multime de bule care se sparg pe cerul gurii. Pentru o nota eleganta, aruncam cu generozitate zmeura si multa gheata. Raspberry Limoncello Prosecco cocktail este perfect pentru o zi calda de vara sau pentru un mic rasfat la sfarsitul unei saptamani incarcate.

(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)
- 200 ml prosecco / 200 ml prosecco
- 100 ml limoncello / 100 ml limoncello
- 100 ml apa minerala / 100 ml mineral water
- Zmeura / Raspberry
- Gheata / Ice cubes

Metoda de preparare este extrem de usoara. In fiecare pahar adaugam cuburi de gheata, 100 ml prosecco, 50 ml limoncello si 50 ml apa. Adaugati zmeura dupa plac si serviti cu relaxare. 😎
Scurte indicatii video:
Tips: pentru un gust desavarsit folositi toate bauturile racite in prealabil.

Daca v-a placut Raspberry Limoncello Prosecco, puteti de asemenea sa incercati si un cocktail cu pere sau zmeura.
English version:
Raspberry Limoncello Prosecco Cocktail
I did it! I flirted a lot with the idea and finally I decided! And now seriously … I could sip from it all day. It’s refreshing and sweet, with lots of bubbles bursting in the mouth. For an elegant note, we generously throw raspberries and a lot of ice. The cocktail is perfect for a hot summer day or for a little treat at the end of a busy week.
The preparation method is extremely easy. In each glass add ice cubes, 100 ml prosecco, 50 ml limoncello and 50 ml water. Add raspberries and serve with relaxation. 😎
Tips: for a perfect taste use all pre-cooled drinks.
If you liked Raspberry Limoncello Prosecco, you may also want to try a pear or raspberry cocktail.
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