… si un prieten nou in bucataria “Inspiratie la Fix”. Saptamana aceasta ni s-a alaturat ca ajutor de nadejde, celebrul Tefal One Pot. Vom pregati retete minunate pe care le veti regasi grupate sub eticheta “Tefal One Pot”.
Dar ce este mai exact acest multicooker? Este ajutorul nostru in bucatarie cu care putem gati usor ciorbe, supe, fripturi, orez, ovaz, tocanite si alte mancaruri delicioase, fie ca le gatim rapid sub presiune sau le gatim lent alegand modul Slow cook.
Primele retete cu Tefal One Pot: coaste de vita gatite lent cu legume si bere servite cu un risotto delicios cu parmezan.
(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
Pentru friptura de vita:
- 1,5 kg coaste de vita / 1,5 kg veal ribs
- 1 ceapa / 1 onion
- 1 morcov / 1 carrot
- 2 tije telina apio / 2 celery stalks celery
- 4 catei de usturoi / 4 garlic cloves
- 200 ml bere / 200 ml beer
- Sare / Salt
- Cimbru / Thyme
- 2 foi de dafin / 2 bay leaves
- Piper verde si negru / Green and black pepper
- 50 ml smantana dulce / 50 ml double cream
- 1 lingurita amidon / 1 teaspoon cornstarch
- 2 linguri ulei de masline / 2 tablespoons olive oil
Pentru risotto:
- 1 ceapa / 1 onion
- 1,5 cana orez / 1,5 cup rice
- 3 cani apa / 3 cups water
- 1 cana vin alb / 1 cup white wine
- Sare / Salt
- 1 lingura ulei de masline / 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 25 grame unt / 25 grams butter
- 2 linguri parmezan / 2 tablespoons parmesan
Taiem carnea si o condimentam cu sare, piper si cimbru. O lasam la temperatura camerei timp de 2 ore. Intre timp curatam legumele si le taiem in cubulete.
Turnam 2 linguri de ulei de masline in One Pot si alegem functia de rumenire “Brown”. Prajim carnea cate 2 minute pe fiecare parte, apoi o scoatem intr-un castron. Adaugam legumele si le calim usor. Dupa 2 minute adaugam frunzele de dafin si boabe de piper negru, carnea si berea. Inchidem capacul si alegem programul “Slow cook” timp de 8 ore.
La expirarea timpului scoatem carnea intr-un bol si o acoperim cu o folie de aluminiu. Sosul de legume il punem intr-o craticioara si il fierbem timp de 10 minute pana scade. Il pasam cu ajutorul unui blender si adaugam o lingurita mica de amidon dizolvata in foarte putina apa, smantana dulce si boabe de piper verde. Mai lasam pe foc 2-3 minute.
Indicatii video:
Intre timp pregatim si risotto. Taiem ceapa marunt si o calim usor in ulei de masline folosind tot functia “Brown”. Adaugam orezul si sarea si mai calim 2 minute. Turnam apa si vinul, inchidem capacul si alegem functia “Rice” pentru 9 minute. La expirarea timpului depresurizam oala si adaugam unt si parmezan.
Servim coastele cu risotto si sos de legume.
English version
Slow Cooked Veal Ribs & Parmesan Risotto
… and a new friend in „Inspiratie la Fix” kitchen. This week, the famous Tefal One Pot joined us as for a reliable help. We will prepare wonderful recipes that you will find grouped in the #Tefal One Pot label.
But what exactly is this multicooker? It is our help in the kitchen which help us for easily recipes: soups, stews, steaks, rice, oats, stews and other delicious dishes, whether we cook them quickly under pressure or we cook them slowly choosing the slow cook mode.
The first recipes with Tefal One Pot: slow-cooked veal ribs with vegetables and beer served with a delicious parmesan risotto.
Cut the meat and season with salt, pepper and thyme. Leave it at room temperature for 2 hours. Meanwhile, clean the vegetables and cut them into cubes.
Pour 2 tablespoons of olive oil into One Pot and choose the „Brown” function. Fry the meat for 2 minutes on each side, then take it out in a bowl. Add the vegetables and lightly heat them. After 2 minutes add the bay leaves and black peppercorns, meat and beer. Close the lid and choose the “Slow cook” program for 8 hours.
At the end of the time, take the meat out in a bowl and cover it with aluminum foil. Put the vegetable sauce in a saucepan and boil it for 10 minutes until it drops. Pass it with the help of a blender and add a small teaspoon of starch dissolved in a small quantity of water, double cream and green peppercorns. Let it simmer for another 2-3 minutes.
Meanwhile, prepare the risotto. Cut the onion into small pieces and lightly fry it in olive oil using the „Brown” function. Add the rice and salt and cook for another 2 minutes. Pour water and wine, close the lid and choose the „Rice” function for 9 minutes. At the end of the time, depressurize the pot and add butter and parmesan.
Serve the ribs with risotto and vegetable sauce.
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