Coconut Shrimps


Mai exact, creveti aurii inveliti intr-o crusta crocanta de cocos serviti cu sos tartar. Ce poti sa iti doresti mai mult?

Reteta mea de creveti cu nuca de cocos este diferita de oricare alta reteta incercata pana acum. Crevetii sunt dulci-picanti și suculenti, in timp ce coaja de cocos este crocanta. Sunt un fel potrivit pentru un “finger party”, dar pot fi pregatiti si pentru un pranz rapid.


(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)

  • 20 creveti mari, decojiti cu coada atasata / 20 large shrimp, peeled with tails attached
  • 2 linguri faina / 3 tablespoons flour
  • 2 linguri amidon / 3 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 4 linguri fulgi de nuca de cocos / 4 tablespoons coconut flakes
  • 4 linguri pesmet panko / 4 tablespoons panko bread crumb
  • 2 oua / 2 eggs
  • Fulgi de chilli / Chilli flakes
  • Sare / Salt
  • Ulei pentru prajit / Frying oil

Spalam crevetii si ii uscam foarte bine cu ajutorul unui servet absorbant. Ii presaram cu sare si fulgi de chilli. Intr-un bol amestecam faina cu amidonul, in alt bol nuca de cocos cu pesmetul panko si in alt bol batem 2 oua cu sare. Trecem crevetii prin amestecul de faina, prin ou batut si apoi prin amestecul de cocos si pesmet. Prajim crevetii in ulei incins timp de 3-4 minute pana cand sunt frumos rumeniti.

Servim cu sos tartar a carui reteta o gasiti aici.

English version:

Golden shrimp wrapped in a crispy coconut crust served with tartar sauce. What more could you want?

My coconut shrimp recipe is different from any other recipe I’ve tried so far. Shrimp are sweet-spicy and juicy, while coconut shell is crispy. They are a good way for a „finger party”, but they can also be prepared for a quick lunch.

Wash the shrimp and dry them very well with an absorbent napkin. Sprinkle with salt and chilli flakes. In a bowl mix the flour with the cornstarch, in another bowl the coconut with the panko breadcrumbs and in another bowl beat 2 eggs with salt. Pass the shrimp through the flour mixture, through the beaten egg and then through the coconut and breadcrumbs mixture. Fry the shrimp in hot oil for 3-4 minutes until nicely browned.

Serve with tartar sauce whose recipe can be found here.


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