Crostini cu branza de capra si pere coapte vor fi cu siguranta vedetele unei mese festive. O combinatie inedita de dulce si sarat, pusa in valoare de perele coapte acoperite cu peltea de gutui.
(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)
- 4 pere mici / 4 small pears
- 4 lingurite zahar / 4 teaspoons sugar
- 4 felii de paine integrala cu seminte / 4 wholemeal seeds bread
- 100 grame branza de capra / 100 grams goat cheese
- 4 linguri peltea de gutui / 4 tablespoons quince jam
- 4 lingurite fulgi de migdale / 4 teaspoons almond flakes
- Cimbru / Thyme
Spalam perele, le taiem in doua si indepartam usor mijlocul. Le asezam intr-o tava, le presaram cu zahar si le introducem in cuptorul incins la 170 grade Celsius pentru 20 de minute.
Intre timp prajim feliile de paine si le ungem cu branza de capra. Asezam deasupra perele coapte.
Decoram cu pelteaua de gutui, fulgii de migdale si cimbrul proaspat. In cazul in care nu aveti peltea de gutui o puteti inlocui cu miere.
Daca v-a placut reteta de crostini cu branza de capra si pere coapte, puteti incerca si un mix de crostini sau un capresse flatbread.
English version
Crostini with goat cheese and baked pears
Crostini with goat cheese and baked pears will definitely be the stars of a festive meal. An unexpected combination of sweet and salty, highlighted by baked pears covered with quince jam.
Wash the pears, cut them in half and gently remove the middle. Place them in a pan, sprinkle with brown sugar and place in the oven at 170 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, fry the slices of bread and grease them with goat cheese. Place the baked pears on top.
Garnish with quince jam, almond flakes and fresh thyme. If you do not have quince, you can replace it with honey.
If you liked crostini with goat cheese and baked pears, you can also try a crostini mix or a flatbread capresse.
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