Crostata cu visine sau cum sa incepi ziua de Craciun. Alaturi de cafea, aceasta tarta cu visine se va potrivi perfect cu o zi de sarbatoare.
(pentru 8 portii / for 8 servings)
- 175 grame faina / 175 grams flour
- 2 linguri zahar brun / 2 tablespoons brown sugar
- 115 grame unt / 115 grams butter
- 1 galbenus de ou / 1 egg yolk
- 50 ml apa rece / 50 ml cold water
- 1 praf de sare / 1 pinch of salt
- 250 grame gem de visine / 250 grams sour cherry jam
Punem faina intr-un bol si adaugam zaharul, untul rece taiat cuburi, galbenusul de ou, sarea si apa foarte rece. Mixam repede si rasturnam aluatul pe o folie alimentara. Il modelam sub forma de bila si il dam la rece minim 4 ore sau chiar pana a doua zi.
Impartim aluatul in doua si intindem o foaie pe care o aranjam fie intr-o forma de tarta, fie pe o tava cu inel detasabil cu diametru de 20 de centimetri. Intepam aluatul din loc in loc cu ajutorul unei furculite si il acoperim cu un strat de gem de visine. Intindem, apoi, a doua foaie si o decupam cu ajutorul unor forme de stelute. Transferam usor aluatul deasupra tartei si decoram marginile cu alte stelute decupate din aluatul ramas.
Coacem tarta in cuptorul incins la 180 grade Celsius pentru 40 de minute pana cand este frumos rumenita.
Lasam tarta sa se raceasca, o pudram cu zahar si o servim cu multa pofta alaturi de un caffe latte.
Daca v-a placut crostata cu visine, va invit sa incercati si o tarta grozava cu prune si migdale, o tarta cu panna cotta sau o tarta tiramisu cu amaretti.
English version
Sour cherry crostata
Sour cherry tart or how to start Christmas day. Along with the coffee, this cherry tart will fit perfectly with a festive day.
Put the flour in a bowl and add the sugar, diced cold butter, egg yolk, salt and very cold water. Mix quickly and turn the dough over on a food foil. Shape it in the form of a ball and let it cool for at least 4 hours or even until the next day.
Divide the dough into 2 and spread a sheet that arrange either in a tart shape or on a tray with a detachable ring with a diameter of 20 centimeters. Prick the dough from place to place with a fork and cover with a layer of sour cherry jam. Then spread the second sheet and cut it with a star shapes. Gently transfer the dough over the tart and decorate the edges with other stars cut from the remaining dough. Bake the tart in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 40 minutes until nicely browned.
Let the tart cool, dust it with sugar and serve it with appetite with a caffe latte.
If you liked the sour cherry crostata, I invite you to try a great tart with plums and almonds, a panna cotta tart or a tiramisu tart with amaretti.
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