Döner de curcan & Orez turcesc


Pentru amatorii de “shaorma cu de toate”, dar fara calorii, colesterol si alte chestii nesanatoase 😊, propun un döner de curcan servit cu celebrul orez turcesc si legume.

In cele ce urmeaza, va prezint 2 variante de servire: alaturi de castraveti murati si sos de usturoi sau insotit de salata de varza, rosii, ceapa si castraveti murati.


(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)

Pentru döner:

  • 600 grame pulpa de curcan dezosata / 600 grams boneless turkey leg
  • 4 linguri ulei se masline / 4 tablespoon olive oil
  • Sare / Salt
  • Praf de usturoi / Garlic powder
  • Chimen / Cumin
  • Fulgi de chilli / Chilli flakes
  • Oregano / Oregano

Pentru orez turcesc:

  • 1 cana orez arborio / 1 cup arborio rice
  • 25 grame fidea / 25 grams noodles
  • 25 grame unt / 25 grams butter
  • 1 lingura ulei masline / 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • Sare / Salt
  • 2 cani apa calda / 2 cups hot water

Spalam carnea de curcan si o uscam foarte bine cu servetele absorbante. O condimentam cu sare, praf de usturoi, fulgi de chilli, oregano, chimen. Adaugam uleiul de masline si lasam la rece la marinat cateva ore sau de preferat pana a doua zi.

Dupa marinare, lasam carnea la temperatura camerei timp de o ora. Intre timp incingem cuptorul la 160 grade Celsius.

Incingem o tigaie si prajim carnea (fara alt adaos de ulei) timp de 3 minute pe fiecare parte. Mutam carnea intr-o tava cu capac si rasturnam peste marinada ramasa. Dam la cuptor timp de 2 ore.

Dupa 2 ore indepartam capacul si mai lasam la cuptor 15-20 minute marind temperatura la 180 grade Celsius si pornind functia de ventilatie astfel incat carnea sa fie frumos rumenita.

O taiem felii subtiri cu un cutit bine ascutit si inainte de servire o tragem putin la tigaie cu cateva picaturi de ulei de masline.

Pentru orezul turcesc, spalam orezul si il lasam acoperit cu apa timp de 30 de minute.

Intr-o cratita incingem untul si uleiul, adaugam fideaua si prajim usor 2-3 minute amestecand frecvent. Adaugam orezul scurs si amestecam bine continuand sa mai prajim 1 minut. Adaugam sarea si 2 cani de apa calda. Acoperim cu un capac si fierbem timp de 10 minute, amestecand ocazional.

Dupa 10 minute, stingem focul si acoperim cratita cu un servet textil si apoi cu capacul. Lasam acoperit timp de 10 minute astfel incat orezul sa se gateasca in abur.

English version:

For „shaorma with everything” lovers, but without calories, cholesterol and other unhealthy things 😊, I propose a turkey döner served with the famous Turkish rice and vegetables.

In the following, I present 2 serving options: with pickles and garlic sauce or accompanied by cabbage salad, tomatoes, onions and pickles.

Wash the turkey meat and dry it very well with absorbent napkins. Season with salt, garlic powder, chilli flakes, oregano, cumin. Add the olive oil and let to marinate for a few hours or preferably until the next day.

After marinating, leave the meat at room temperature for an hour. Meanwhile, heat the oven to 160 degrees Celsius.

Heat a frying pan and fry the meat (without adding oil) for 3 minutes on each side. Move the meat to a tray with a lid and pour over the remaining marinade. Bake for 2 hours.

After 2 hours, remove the lid and leave it in the oven for another 15-20 minutes, raising the temperature to 180 degrees Celsius and starting the ventilation function until the meat is nicely browned.

Cut it into thin slices with a sharp knife and before serving, fry it with a small quatity of olive oil.

For the Turkish rice, wash the rice and leave it covered with water for 30 minutes.

In a saucepan, heat the butter and oil, add the noodles and lightly fry for 2-3 minutes, stirring frequently. Add the drained rice and mix well, continuing to fry for another minute. Add salt and 2 cups of hot water. Cover with a lid and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

After 10 minutes, turn off the heat and cover the pan with a textile napkin and then with the lid. Let cover for 10 minutes so that the rice cooks in steam.


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