Vara este anotimpul in care gasim foarte multe legume proaspete. Asadar sa le punem in valoare intr-o reteta cu iz asiatic.
Legume al dente, crocante insotite de un sos racoritor de iaurt si usturoi.
(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 1 dovlecel / 1 zucchini
- 1 morcov / 1 carrot
- 5 ciuperci / 5 mushrooms
- 1 ou / 1 egg
- 150 ml bere rece / 150 ml cold beer
- 150 ml apa minerala racita in congelator / 150 ml cold water (from the refrigerator)
- 200 grame faina / 200 grams flour
- Ulei pentru prajit / Oil for frying
- Sare / Salt
- 3 catei de usturoi / 3 garlic cloves
- 4 linguri iaurt grecesc / 4 tablespoon greek yogurt
- 2 linguri smantana / 2 tablespoon sour cream
- 1 lingura ulei de masline / 1 tablespoon olive oil
Curatam legumele si le taiem in bastonase subtiri. Dovleceii ii presaram cu sare si ii lasam 20 de minute intr-o sita, apoi ii stergem bine cu un servetel absorbant.
Amestecam legumele cu o lingura de faina (din cele 200 de grame) pentru a fi absorbita toata umezeala.
Intr-un bol batem oul cu sare, usor cu o furculita. Adaugam berea rece si apa extrem de rece (o tinem anterior in congelator aproximativ o ora). Adaugam faina si amestecam usor pana obtinem un aluat similar cu aluatul de clatite.
Turnam intr-un wok 2-3 cm de ulei si incingem bine. Trecem legumele prin amestecul de faina si prajim la foc mare timp de 2-3 minute pana cand legumele sunt frumos rumenite.
Tips: prajiti legumele in transe mici, astfel incat sa nu se suprapuna la prajit.
Scoatem legumele din baia de ulei cu ajutorul unei palete si lasam la scurs intr-o sita metalica. Apoi rasturnam pe un servetel astfel incat sa fie absorbit tot excesul de ulei.
Pentru sos, zdrobim usturoiul si il amestecam cu iaurtul grecesc, smantana, sare si uleiul de masline.
Servim legumele cu sosul de iaurt.
English version:
Summer is the season of fresh vegetables. So let’s highlight them in an Asian-flavored recipe.
Al dente, crispy vegetables accompanied by a refreshing yogurt and garlic sauce.
Clean the vegetables and cut them into thin sticks. Sprinkle the zucchini with salt and leave them in a sieve for 20 minutes, then wipe them well with an absorbent napkin.
Mix the vegetables with a tablespoon of flour (200 grams) to absorb all the moisture.
In a bowl beat the egg with salt, lightly with a fork. Add cold beer and extremely cold water (keep it in the freezer for about an hour). Add flour and mix lightly until you get a dough similar to pancake batter.
Pour 2-3 cm of oil into a wok and heat well. Pass the vegetables through the flour mixture and fry over high heat for 2-3 minutes until the vegetables are nicely browned.
Tips: fry the vegetables in small quantity in order not to overlap when fried.
Remove the vegetables from the oil bath with a spatula and let them drain in a metal sieve. Then pour over a napkin so that all the excess oil is absorbed.
For the sauce, crush the garlic and mix it with the Greek yogurt, sour cream, salt and olive oil.
Serve the vegetables with the yogurt sauce.
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