Cred ca pastele reprezinta mancarea preferata a multora dintre noi. Combinatia paste – ton nu m-a inspirat initial.
Insa va garantez ca este o reteta pe care daca o veti incerca cel putin o data, o veti repeta. Combinatia de paste, ton, lamaie si chilli va ofera un pranz lejer.
Pentru a avea o optiune sanatoasa, va recomand sa incercati aceasta reteta pentru masa de pranz si intr-o cantitate redusa (maxim 80 grame paste cantarite inainte de fierbere).
(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servimgs)
- 160 grame paste fusilli sau alt model dupa preferinte / 160 grams fusilli or other type of pasta
- 140 grame ton din conserva in ulei de masline / 140 grams canned tuna in olive oil
- 3 catei de usturoi / 3 garlic cloves
- 1 lingura ulei de masline / 1 tablespoon olive oil
- Sucul de la jumatate de lamaie / Juice from half of lemon
- Patrunjel / Parsley
- Sare / Salt
- Chilli / Chilli
- Parmezan / Parmesan
Fierbem pastele conform indicatiilor de pe ambalaj. Intre timp incingem uleiul de masline intr-o tigaie si calim timp de maxim 1 minut usturoiul strivit cu lama cutitului (mare atentie sa nu se arda). Adaugam conserva de ton si lasam la foc mic inca 1 minut. Adaugam o ceasca de apa fierbinte de la paste si sucul de lamaie in ton si lasam sa fiarba la foc mic. Adaugam sare dupa gust si fulgi de chilli.
Scurgem pastele de apa si le adaugam peste ton. Le mai lasam pe foc 1-2 minute si le servim cu patrunjel taiat marunt si parmezan ras fin.
English version:
I think that pasta is the favorite food of many of us. The pasta and tuna combination did not initially inspire me.
But I guarantee that it is a recipe that if you try it at least once, you will repeat it. The combination of pasta, tuna, lemon and chilli gives you a light lunch.
In order to have a healthy option, I recommend you try this recipe for lunch in a small amount (maximum 80 grams of pasta weighed before cooking).
Boil the pasta according to the instructions on the package. Meanwhile, heat the olive oil in a pan and heat the crushed garlic with the knife blade for a maximum of 1 minute (be very careful not to burn it). Add canned tuna and simmer for another 1 minute. Add a cup of hot pasta water and lemon juice to the tuna and simmer. Add salt to taste and chilli flakes.
Drain the pasta and add it over the tuna. Let them simmer for another 1-2 minutes and serve with finely chopped parsley and finely grated Parmesan cheese.
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