Da stiu… este atat de bun, incat am decis sa repet reteta de pui la ceaun.

De data aceasta am ales ciocanele de pui, mujdei, mamaliguta calda si muraturi asortate.
Desi am ales si pentru aceasta reteta metoda de gatit fara grasimi, rezultatul este similar gatitului in baie de untura sau ulei.

(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 8 copane de pui / 8 chicken legs
- 4 catei de usturoi / 4 garlic cloves
- Fulgi de chilli / Chilli flakes
- Sare / Salt
- 2 linguri ulei de masline / 2 tablespoon olive oil

Curatam si spalam bine pulpele de pui. Le punem intr-un bol acoperite cu cateii de usturoi zdrobiti cu lama cutitului, sare, ulei de masline si fulgi de chilli. Lasam la marinat la frigider 2-3 ore minim sau daca putem peste noapte.
Cu o ora inainte de a le gati le scoatem din frigider si le stergem bine cu servetele astfel incat sa fie perfect uscate.
Pornim Actifry-ul Tefal si il lasam 2 minute sa se incalzeasca apoi adaugam pulpele de pui. Indepartam paleta aparatului si alegem programul pentru pui.
In cazul in care nu detineti un Actifry, puteti sa pregatiti puiul la cuptor pe o tava cu gratar timp de 40 de minute.

English version:
Yes, I know … it’s so good that I still decided to repeat the fried chicken recipe.
This time I chose chicken legs, garlic sauce, hot polenta and assorted pickles.
Although I chose for this recipe the fat-free cooking method, the result is similar to cooking in a lard or oil bath.
Clean and wash very well the chicken legs. Put them in a bowl covered with crushed garlic cloves with a knife blade, salt, olive oil and chilli flakes. Leave to marinate in the fridge for at least 2-3 hours or if we can overnight.
An hour before cooking, take them out of the fridge and wipe them well with napkins so that they are perfectly dry.
Start Tefal Actifry and let it heat up for 2 minutes, then we add the chicken legs. We remove the palette of the appliance and choose the program for the chickens.
If you do not have an Actifry, you can cook the chicken in the oven on a grill pan for 40 minutes.
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