Hummus-ul este un aperitiv pe baza de naut, pasta de susan, lamaie si usturoi.
- 1 conserva naut / 1 canned chickpeas
- 1/2 lingurita za’atar / 1/2 teaspoon za’atar
- 1/2 lingurita sumak/ 1/2 teaspoon sumak
- 1/2 lingurita chimen / 1/2 teaspoon cumin
- 1 lingura tahini / 1 tablespoon tahini
- 3 linguri suc de lamaie / 3 tablespoons lemon juice
- 5 linguri ulei de masline / 5 tablespoons olive oil
- 2 catei de usturoi / 2 garlic cloves
- 3 – 4 linguri apa minerala / 3 – 4 tablespoons mineral water
- Sare / Salt
- 200 grame muschi de vita / 299 grams veal
- Seminte de pin / Pine seeds
- Rodie / Pomegranate
De aceasta data am incercat o noua modalitate de pregatire a acestui aperitiv. Asadar am incins putin ulei de masline intr-o tigaie si am rasturnat conserva de naut. Am adaugat sumak, za’atar si chimen si am lasat pe foc mare pana cand intregul lichid a fost absorbit. Lasam la racit, apoi il rasturnam intr-un bol. Adaugam sarea (dupa gust), usturoiul, apa minerala, sucul de lamaie si maruntim amestecul cu ajutorul unui blender. Eu am mutat bolul in Kitchen Aid si am adaugat uleiul de masline mixand pana cand am obtinut un amestec cremos. Daca este prea consistent mai adaugam putina apa minerala. In cazul in care nu detineti un mixer de acest gen, puteti continua operatiunea in blender.
Muschiul de vita il taiem in fasii mici si il presaram cu sare. Il lasam la temperatura camerei o ora, apoi adaugam 1 lingura de ulei de masline. Incingem o tigaie, apoi rasturnam muschiul de vita. Il prajim la foc mare timp de 3-4 minute.
Servim hummusul stropit cu ulei de masline, presarat cu seminte de pin prajite usor intr-o tigaie fara adaos de grasime, rodie si fasiile de muschi de vita.
English version:
Hummus & Veal
Hummus is an appetizer based on chickpeas, sesame paste, lemon and garlic.
This time I tried a new way to prepare this appetizer. So I heated a small quantity of olive oil in a pan and put the canned chickpeas. I added sumak, za’atar and cumin and left it on high heat until all the liquid was absorbed. Leave to cool, then pour it into a bowl. Add salt (to taste), garlic, mineral water, lemon juice and grind the mixture with a blender. I moved the bowl to Kitchen Aid and added the olive oil, mixing until I got a creamy mixture. If it is too thick, add more mineral water. If you do not have such a mixer, you can continue the operation in the blender.
Cut the beef into small strips and sprinkle it with salt. Leave it at room temperature for an hour, then add 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Heat a frying pan, then turn over the beef. Fry it over high heat for 3-4 minutes.
Serve the hummus sprinkled with olive oil, sprinkled with lightly fried pine nuts in a pan without oil, pomegranate and veal.
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