De cateva saptamani, localurile din Brasov promoveaza islerul. Un desert ce are la baza biscuiti fragezi cu unt si nuca si crema de ciocolata, de origine austro-ungara, populari in zona Banatului, ulterior si in Ardeal. Orasul de provenienta al islerului este Bad Ischel, iar varianta initiala continea gem de zmeura si era preferata imparatului Francisc Iosif I.
Nu puteam sa raman impasibila la acest trend, asa ca am luat caietul pretios al mamei si am cautat reteta. Am respectat cu sfintenie aluatul de biscuti, insa crema, glazura si aromele le-am reinterpretat, dandu-le un aer proaspat.
Asadar, eu va propun o crema fina de ciocolata cu portocale si nuci caramelizate acompaniata de biscuiti cu nuca inveliti in ciocolata si decorati cu cateva nuci crocante.

(pentru 6 portii / for 6 servings)
Pentru biscuiti:
- 140 grame faina / 140 grams flour
- 140 grame unt / 140 grams butter
- 70 grame zahar pudra / 70 grams powdered sugar
- 70 grame nuci macinate / 70 grams ground walnuts
- Coaja de portocala / Orange zest
- Sare / Salt
Pentru crema:
- 250 grame ciocolata cu lapte / 250 grams milk chocolate
- 250 grame smantana dulce / 250 grams double cream
- Coaja de portocala / Orange zest
Pentru glazura:
- 100 grame ciocolata cu lapte / 100 grams milk chocolate
- 50 grame smantana dulce / 50 grams double cream
- 1 lingura ulei / 1 teaspoon oil
Pentru textura crocanta:
- 3 linguri zahar / 3 tablespoons sugar
- 30 grame nuci / 30 grams walnuts
- 1 lingurita ulei / 1 teaspoon oil

Pentru biscuiti amestecam toate ingredientele cu ajutorul unui robot de bucatarie sau chiar cu mana, deoarece este un aluat extrem de usor de facut. Dupa ce toate ingredientele sunt incorporate, formam o bila si o invelim in folie de plastic. Lasam aluatul la rece 2 ore. Dupa 2 ore intindem aluatul pe blatul de lucru infainat si decupam cercuri de 9 cm pe care le coacem in cuptorul incins la 180 grade Celsius, timp de 10 minute. Le scoatem usor din tava (cu grija deoarece sunt fragile) si pe lasam la racit pe un gratar.
Pentru crema, incalzim smantana dulce si adaugam ciocolata si coaja de portocala. Amestecam constant pana cand ciocolata este topita. Lasam sa ajunga la temperatura camerei apoi dam la frigider pana a doua zi. A doua zi, mixam amestecul cateva secunde pana obtinem o crema fina.
Pentru glazura amestecam ingredientele pe foc pana cand ciocolata este topita. Lasam sa se raceasca 15 – 20 de minute inainte de a imbraca islerele in glazura. Glazura nu trebuie sa fie calda deoarece va topi crema. Ea trebuie sa ajunga aproape la temperatura camerei.
Pentru mixul crocant, topim zaharul si adaugam nucile. Rasturnam amestecul fierbinte pe o hartie de copt unsa anterior cu ulei. Dupa ce se raceste o maruntim cu ajutorul unui cutit bine ascutit.
Pentru asamblare, asezam jumatate dintre biscuiti pe un gratar, distribuim crema cu ajutorul unui pos, adaugam nuci caramel si acoperim cu alt biscuit. Deasupra turnam glazura si decoram cu nuci caramelizate. Introducem in frigider pentru cateva minute inainte de a le servi.

English version:
For several weeks, the restaurants in Brasov have been promoting the ischler. A dessert based on fragile biscuits with butter and walnuts and cream with Austro-Hungarian origin and popular in the Banat area and later in Ardeal. The town of ischler’s original version is Bad Ischel, and the first option contained raspberry jam and was the preferred dessert of Emperor Francis Joseph I.
I couldn’t remain impassive to this trend, so I took my mother’s precious notebook and looked for the recipe. I respected the cookie dough, but I reinterpreted the cream, the icing and the flavors, giving them a fresh taste.
So, I propose a fine chocolate cream with oranges and caramelized nuts accompanied by walnut biscuits wrapped in chocolate and decorated with some crispy nuts.
For biscuits, we mix all the ingredients with a food processor or even by hand, because it is an extremely easy dough to make. After all the ingredients are incorporated, form a ball and wrap it in plastic wrap. Let the dough cool for 2 hours. After 2 hours, spread the dough on the floured worktop and cut 9 cm circles and bake them in the hot oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes. Lightly remove them from the pan (carefully because they are fragile) and leave to cool on a grill.
For the cream, heat the sweet cream and add the chocolate and orange peel. Stir constantly until the chocolate is melted. Let it reach room temperature then refrigerate until the next day. The next day, mix for a few seconds until you get a fine cream.
For the icing, mix the ingredients until the chocolate is melted. Let it cool for 15-20 minutes before dressing the islets in the glaze. The glaze does not have to be hot because it will melt the cream. It should reach almost room temperature.
For the crunchy mix, melt the sugar and add the walnuts. Pour the hot mixture on a baking paper previously greased with oil. After it cools, grind it with a sharp knife.
For assembly, place half of the biscuits on a grill, distribute the cream with, add caramel nuts and cover with another biscuit. Pour the icing on top and decorate with caramelized nuts. Put in the fridge for a few minutes before serving.