Burgerul a devenit atat de versatil incat suporta foarte multe combinatii. Vita, legume, pui, curcan si de ce nu, peste?
Varianta cu somon este una extrem usor de pregatit si de asemenea, foarte gustoasa. O combinatie aromata cu somon, sos usor dulce – acrisor cu capere si o garnitura surprinzatoare de cartofi dulci.

(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)
Pentru burger / For burger:
- 300 grame somon / 300 grams salmon
- 1 ceapa rosie mica / 1 small red onion
- 2 catei de usturoi / 2 garlic cloves
- 1 lingurita pasta de ardei / 1 teaspoon pepper paste
- 1 lingurita mustar / 1 teaspoon mustard
- 3 linguri pesmet / 3 tablespoon breadcrums
- Patrunjel / Parsley
- Sare / Salt
- Baby spanac / Baby spinach
- Ceapa rosie / Red onion
Pentru sos / For sauce:
- 2 linguri maioneza de casa / 2 tablespoons homemade mayo
- 1 lingura ketchup de casa / 1 teaspoon homemade ketchup
- 1/2 ceapa rosie mica / 1/2 small red onion
- 1 catel usturoi / 1 garlic clove
- 3 capere mari / 3 big capers
Pentru garnitura / For side dishes/
- 1 cartof dulce / 1 sweet potato
- 1 lingurita ulei masline / 1 reaspoon olive oil
- Sare / Salt

Pentru burgeri indepartam pielea de pe somon si il maruntim cu ajutorul unui cutit bine ascutit. Adaugam ceapa si patrunjelul taiate fin, usturoiul zdrobit, pasta de ardei, mustarul, pesmetul si sarea si amestecam bine. Lasam la rece timp de 1-2 ore. Din compozitia rezultata, formam 2 burgeri pe care ii ungem cu foarte putin ulei de masline si ii prajim pe grill timp de 3 minute pe fiecare parte.
Intre timp pregatim sosul. Amestecam maioneza cu ketchup-ul, ceapa taiata extrem de fin, usturoiul zdrobit si caperele taiate marunt.
Curatam cartofii dulci si ii taiem. Adaugam o lingurita de ulei si sare si ii pregatim la actifry. In cazul in care nu detinem un actifry ii pregatim la cuptor.

Pentru asamblare, taiem chiflele in doua si le incalzim pe grill. Recomand sa folositi chifle facute in casa dupa aceasta reteta. Pe jumatate din chifla distribuim sosul, baby spanac, burgerul si rondele de ceapa. Servim cu garnitura de cartofi dulci si capere.

English version:
Salmon Burger
The burger has become so versatile that it supports many combinations. Beef, vegetables, chicken, turkey and why not, fish?
The salmon version is extremely easy to prepare and also very tasty. A flavorful combination with salmon, slightly sweet – sour sauce with capers and a surprising garnish of sweet potatoes.
For burgers, remove the skin from the salmon and grind it with a sharp knife. Add finely chopped onion and parsley, crushed garlic, pepper paste, mustard, breadcrumbs and salt and mix well. Let cool for 1-2 hours. Finish the resulting composition, form 2 burgers that we grease with very little olive oil and fry on the grill for 3 minutes on each side.
Meanwhile, prepare the sauce. Mix the mayonnaise with the ketchup, the extremely finely chopped onion, the crushed garlic and the finely chopped capers.
Peel a squash, grate it and slice it. Add a teaspoon of oil and salt and prepare them at actifry. If we do not have an actifry, we prepare them in the oven.
For assembly, cut the buns in half and heat them on the grill. I recommend using homemade buns according to this recipe. Distribute the sauce, baby spinach, burger and onion rings on half of the bun. Serve with garnish of sweet potatoes and capers.
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