

Plecand de la ideea unei retete foarte vechi, de aproape 100 ani, m-am decis sa incerc aceasta varianta de mucenici. Si pot sa va garantez ca sunt cei mai buni pe care i-am incercat vreodata. Fierti usor in sirop de zahar aromat cu coaja de portocala si apoi copti, vom obtine cei mai crocanti mucenici pe care apoi ii mangaiem cu un strat generos de miere si ii presaram cu multa nuca.


(pentru 10 bucati / for 10 pieces)

  • 750 grame faina / 750 grams flour
  • 420 ml apa calduta / 420 ml warm water
  • 10 grame drojdie uscata / 10 grams dry yeast
  • 175 grame zahar / 175 grams sugar
  • 1 lingurita sare / 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 linguri ulei / 2 tablespoons oil
  • 4 lingurite coaja de portocala / 4 tablespoons orange zest
  • 5 linguri miere / 5 tablespoons honey
  • 200 grame nuca macinata / 200 grams ground nuts

Intr-un bol punem faina, drojdia si 75 de grame de zahar. Adaugam apa calda si mixam cu ajutorul robotului de bucatarie sau cu o lingura. Ulterior adaugam sarea, 2 lingurite coaja de portocala si uleiul, apoi framantam aluatul cu mana sau cu ajutorul mixerului. Modelam aluatul sub forma de bila si il lasam la dospit timp de 2 ore acoperit cu un prosop.

Dupa dospire rasturnam aluatul pe masa presarata cu faina si il impartim in 10 parti egale. Modelam fiecare bucata sub forma de bile pe care le lasam acoperite cu un prosop pana le vine randul la modelat. Din fiecare bila formam un snur subtire si lung, il impartim in doua parti egale pe care le impletim. Formam un covrig prinzand capetele si apoi rasucim aluatul sub forma de 8. Punem mucenicii in tava si ii lasam o ora la dospit.

Intre timp punem la fiert 4 cani de apa cu 100 grame de zahar, un praf de sare si 2 lingurite de coaja de portocala timp de 15 minute. Apoi, luam mucenicii dospiti si ii punem la fiert timp de 2 minute pe fiecare parte. Ii scoatem din sirop cu ajutorul unei palete si ii punem in tava. Coacem mucenicii la 180 grade Celsius timp de 25 de minute.

Scoatem mucenicii pe un gratar de bucatarie si ii lasam sa se racoreasca timp de 5 minute si ii mai introducem o data in siropul in care au fiert. Ii ungem apoi cu miere din belsug si ii presaram cu nuca.

English version

Honey & Nuts Pretzel

Starting from the idea of a very old recipe, almost 100 years old, I decided to try this variant of pretzels. And I can guarantee you that they are the best I have ever tried.

Boil lightly in sugar syrup flavored with orange zest and then baked, you will get the most crunchy pretzel which we then caress with a generous layer of honey and sprinkle with plenty of nuts.

In a bowl put flour, yeast and 75 grams of sugar. Add hot water and mix with a food processor or a spoon. Then add salt, 2 teaspoons orange peel and oi, then knead the dough by hand or with a mixer. Shape the dough into a ball and leave it to rise for 2 hours covered with a towel.

After the rising time, turn the dough on the table sprinkled with flour and divide it into 10 equal parts. Shape each piece in the form of a ball and leave it covered with a towel until it is their turn to shape. From each ball form it into a thin and long string, split it in two equal parts that weave. Form in a pretzel by grabbing the ends and then twist the dough into an 8. Put the pretzel in the tray and leave them to rise for an hour.

Meanwhile, boil 4 cups of water with 100 grams of sugar, a pinch of salt and 2 teaspoons of orange zest. Let it boil for 15 minutes. Then, take the prezels and boil them for 2 minutes on each side. Take them out of the syrup with a spatula and put them in the tray. Bake the pretzels at 180 degrees Celsius for 25 minutes.

Remove the prezel on a kitchen grill and let them cool for 5 minutes, then put them once more in the syrup in which they boiled. Grease them with plenty of honey and sprinkle them with nuts.


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