Placinta taraneasca cu branza ne aduce aminte de gustul copilariei. O serveam, de obicei, calda alaturi de un pahar de lapte batut.
De aceasta data am ales sa aduc o nota personala retetei taranesti. Un usor accent mediteranean cu ulei de masline, o tusa moderna cu ketchup de casa si dulceata de ardei iute si gustul inedit al mixului de branzeturi. Cu riscul de a-mi spune ca exagerez, am combinat 7 feluri de branzeturi alese pe principiul #alegemlocal. Branza de vaca proaspata, urda, cascaval si mozzarella de la Laptareasa din Tohan, cas framantat cumparat asta vara proaspat si pastrat la congelator, telemea maturata de oaie si telemea maturata de vaca. La capitolul smantana recomand o smantana grasa de calitate. Eu am ales tot Laptareasa din Tohan si este extraordinar de buna.
(pentru 8 portii / for 8 servings)
- 400 grame foi fine de placinta / 400 grams pastry sheets
- 750 grame branzeturi mixte / 750 grams mixed cheese
- 300 grame smantana / 300 grams sour cream
- 4 oua / 4 eggs
- 100 ml ulei de masline / 100 ml olive oil
- 100 ml smantana dulce / 100 ml double cream
- 100 ml apa minerala / 100 ml mineral water
- 1 lingura seminte mix de susan / 1 tablespoon mix sesame
Intr-un bol mixam 250 grame smantana cu 4 oua. Adaugam branzeturile date pe razatoare si amestecam bine.
Desfacem pachetul de foi si acoperim cu un prosop. Desfacem usor cate o foaie si acoperim la loc astfel incat sa nu se usuce foile. Ungem o tava cu ulei de masline si adaugam 4 foi de placinta unsa fiecare dintre ele cu ulei de masline. Continuam cu jumatate din compozitia de branza, 3 foi unse fiecare cu ulei, restul de branza si inca 4 foi de placinta. Inchidem aducand in centru marginile foilor de placinta si ungem cu ulei de masline. Taiem placinta cruda in felii cu ajutorul unui cutit bine ascutit. Intr-o cana amestecam 50 grame smantana fermentata, 100 ml smantana dulce si 100 ml apa minerala. Turnam compozitia obtinuta peste placinta. Lasam 10 minute si presaram semintele de susan.
Coacem placinta in cuptorul incins la 180 grade Celsius timp de 45 de minute. Servim placinta cu ketchup de casa si dulceata de ardei iute.
English version
Salted cheese pie
The traditional cheese pie reminds us of the taste of childhood. Usually is served hot with a glass of buttermilk.
This time, I chose to bring a personal note to the traditional recipe. A little bit Mediterranean accent with olive oil, a modern touch with homemade ketchup and hot pepper jam and the unique taste of the cheese mix. With the risk of telling my that I am exaggerating, I combined 7 types of cheeses on #chooselocal principle. Fresh cow’s cheese, ricotta, hard cheese and mozzarella from Laptareasa din Tohan, kneaded cheese bought this summer fresh and kept in the freezer, sheep cheese and cow cheese. Regarding sour cream, I recommend a quality fat sour cream. I also chose the Laptareasa din Tohan and it is extraordinarily good.
In a bowl mix 250 grams of sour cream with 4 eggs. Add the grated cheeses and mix well.
Unwrap the package and cover with a towel. Lightly unfold a sheet and cover again so that the sheets do not dry out. Grease a pan with olive oil and add 4 sheets of pie each greased with olive oil. Continue with half of the cheese composition, 3 sheets each greased with oil, the rest of the cheese and 4 more sheets of pie. Close by bringing the edges of the pie sheets in the center and grease with olive oil. Cut the raw pie into slices with the help of a well-sharpened knife. In a cup mix 50 grams of fermented cream, 100 ml of sweet cream and 100 ml of mineral water. Pour the obtained composition over the pie. Leave for 10 minutes and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
Bake the pie in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 45 minutes. Serve with homemade ketchup pie and hot pepper jam.
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