Antipasto di mare


Dor de vara, dor de soare, dor de vacanta, dor de bun gust. Ne alinam dorul si pofta cu un platou de fructe de mare. Caracatita, calamari, creveti, somon cu salata de ceapa rosie acompaniate de o focaccia calda pe care o inmuiem in sosul delicios de prosecco si usturoi usor picant.


(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)

Pentru antipasto / For antipasto platter:

  • 400 grame baby caracatita / 400 grams baby octopus
  • 200 grame inele de calamar / 200 grams calamari rings
  • 200 grame creveti / 200 grams shrimps
  • 200 grame somon / 200 grams salmon
  • 5 catei de usturoi / 5 garlic cloves
  • 4 linguri ulei de masline / 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 lingurita chilli / 1 teaspoon chilli
  • 100 ml prosecco / 100 ml prosecco
  • 1 lamaie / 1 lemon
  • Sare / Salt

Pentru salata de ceapa / For onion salad:

  • 1 ceapa rosie / 1 red onion
  • 1 lingurita de miere / 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 lingura otet de visine Cerbul Acru / 1 tablespoon sour cherry vinegar
  • 2 linguri ulei de masline / 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Sare / Salt

Pentru focaccia / For focaccia:

  • 500 grame faina 550 sau faina pentru pizza / 500 grams flour type 550 or pizza flour
  • 300 ml apa calduta / 300 ml warm water
  • 2 linguri ulei de masline / 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 7 grame drojdie uscata / 7 grams dry yeast
  • 1 lingurita miere / 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 lingurita sare / 1 teaspoon salt

Incepem a pregati masa noastra cu focaccia deoarece are nevoie de timp de dospire. Punem intr-un bol faina, mierea si drojdia. Turnam apa calda si lasam 10 minute, apoi incepem sa mixam. Adaugam sarea si uleiul de masline si framantam timp de 10 minute. Acoperim bolul cu un prosop si lasam la dospit timp de 2 ore. Dupa expirarea timpului, rasturnam aluatul intr-o tava si il intindem cu ajutorul mainilor. Lasam la dospit timp de o ora in tava acoperita cu un prosop. Dupa ce focaccia a dospit in tava, facem din loc in loc cateva adancituri in aluat. Ungem cu ulei de masline si presaram sare mare, oregano, rozmarin (dupa plac). Coacem focaccia in cuptorul incins la 220 grade Celsius timp de 25 de minute.

Intre timp pregatim fructele de mare. Spalam bine baby caracatita si indepartam ochii. Intr-o oala fierbem 3 litri de apa. Cand apa fierbe, taiem lamaia in doua si o stoarcem in apa fierbinte. Punem baby caracatita intr-un bol si turnam deasupra jumatate din cantitatea de apa fierbinte. Lasam 60 de secunde apoi scurgem apa cu ajutorul unei site. Plasam apoi sita deasupra unui bol si turnam restul de apa fierbinte peste baby caracatita. Scurgem bine apoi condimentam cu fulgi de chilli si sare. In alte trei boluri condimentam similar inelele de calamar, crevetii decorticati si somonul.

Pentru salata, taiem ceapa marunt, o presaram cu sare si adaugam mierea, uleiul de masline si otetul parfumat de la Cerbul Acru.

Intr-o tigaie incingem 1 lingura ulei de masline si prajim somonul cate 2 minute pe fiecare parte (timp de 8 minute in total). In alta tigaie incingem restul de ulei de masline si adaugam caracatita. Tragem la tigaie timp de 2 minute si turnam 1/2 din prosecco. Continuam sa mai gatim timp de 2 minute apoi scoatem caracatita intr-o farfurie. Adaugam inelele de calamar timp de 2 minute pe fiecare parte, adaugand si restul de prosecco. Scoatem si calamarii din tigaie si adaugam crevetii, gatindu-i timp de 3-4 minute. Adaugam peste creveti, caracatita, calamarii si usturoiul strivit si lasam la foc mediu timp de 2-3 minute.

Servim platoul de fructe de mare si somon cu salata de ceapa, focaccia calda si un pahar de prosecco rece.

English version:

Looking for the summer, sun, holiday and good taste. We try to lust oursef with a plate of seafood. Octopus, calamari, shrimps, salmon with red onion salad accompanied by a hot focaccia that we soak in the delicious sauce of prosecco and slightly spicy garlic.

Start preparing our meal with focaccia because it needs leavening time. Put flour, honey and yeast in a bowl. Pour hot water and leave for 10 minutes, then start mixing. Add salt and olive oil and knead for 10 minutes. Cover the bowl with a towel and leave to rise for 2 hours. After the time has elapsed, turn the dough into a tray and spread it with your hands. Leave to rise for an hour in the tray covered with a towel. After the focaccia has risen in the pan, make some small holes . Grease with olive oil and sprinkle with high salt, oregano, rosemary (as desired). Bake the focaccia in the oven at 220 degrees Celsius for 25 minutes.

For the onion salad, cut the onion into small pieces, sprinkle with salt and add salt, honey, olive oil and fragrant vinegar from Cerbul Acru.

Meanwhile, prepare the seafood. Wash the octopus well and remove the eyes. In a pot boil 3 liters of water. When the water boils, cut the lemon in half and squeeze it into the hot water. Put the baby octopus in a bowl and pour over half the amount of hot water. Leave for 60 seconds then drain the water with a sieve. Then place the sieve over a bowl and pour the rest of the hot water over the baby octopus. Drain well then season with chilli flakes and salt. In three other bowls, season the squid rings, peeled shrimp and salmon in a similar way.

In a pan, heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil and fry the salmon for 2 minutes on each side (8 minutes in total). In another pan, heat the rest of the olive oil and add the octopus. Put in the pan for 2 minutes and pour 1/2 of the prosecco. Continue to cook for another 2 minutes then remove the octopus to a plate. Add the calamari rings for 2 minutes on each side, adding the rest of the presecco. Remove the calamari from the pan and add the shrimp, cooking for 3-4 minutes. Add over the shrimp, octopus, squid and crushed garlic and leave over medium heat for 2-3 minutes.

Serve the seafood and salmon platter with onion salad, hot focaccia and a glass of cold prosecco.


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