Oua Romanesti


Ce mai gatim pentru micul dejun? Sau poate pentru brunch?

Pornind de la ideea de oua Benedict, am decis sa pastrez tema micului dejun/ brunch-ului romanesc si ne rasfatam cu oua posate, carne la garnita si un sos delicios pe baza de mustar acompaniate de o salata cu mult verde.


(pentru 1 portie / for 1 serving)

  • 2 oua / 2 eggs
  • Carne la garnita / Meat cooked in lard
  • Paine integrala / Wholemeal bread
  • Valeriana / Watercress
  • Ridichi / Radishes
  • Ceapa verde / Green onion
  • Sare / Salt
  • Ulei de masline / Olive oil
  • Otet / Vinegar
  • 1 lingura mustar / 1 tablespoon mustard
  • 1 galbenus ou / 1 egg yolk
  • 50 ml smantana dulce

Incalzim si taiem cubulete mici carnea pregatita in prealabil. Modul de prepare al carnitei il gasiti la micul dejun romanesc.

Posam ouale dupa metoda Dianei descrisa pe larg la micul dejun turcesc.

Pentru salata amestecam valeriana, ridichi si ceapa verde taiata marunt. Pregatim un dressing din ulei de masline, sare si otet si il amestecam cu legumele.

Pentru sosul de mustar, mixam galbenusul de ou cu mustarul si cu o lingura ulei de masline. Turnam usor smantana dulce si potrivim de sare.

Pentru asamblare, prajim usor painea, acoperim cu bucatele de carne, oua posate si sos de mustar.

Servim cu salata.

English version:

What else shall we cook for breakfast? Or maybe for brunch?

Starting from the idea of Benedict eggs, I decided to keep the theme of the Romanian breakfast / brunch and we enjoy some poached eggs, grilled meat and a delicious mustard sauce accompanied by a green salad.

Heat and cut into small cubes the meat prepared in advance. You can find the way to prepare the meat at Romanian breakfast.

We poached the eggs according to Diana’s method described in detail at the Turkish breakfast.

For the salad, mix the watercress, radish and finely chopped green onions. Prepare a dressing of olive oil, salt and vinegar and mix it with vegetables.

For the mustard sauce, mix the egg yolk with the mustard and a tablespoon of olive oil. Lightly pour the sweet cream and season with salt.

For assembly, lightly toast the bread, cover with pieces of meat, poached eggs and mustard sauce. Serve with salad.


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