Astazi vreau sa va fac cunostinta cu doi prieteni buni: pieptul de porc marinat insotit de una dintre cele mai bune prietene ale sale… salata orientala rece.
Pentru aceasta friptura frageda si suculenta trebuie sa alegem un piept de porc cu os si, evident, soric. Recomandarea mea este sa achizitionati carnea de la un producator local. Este mult mai gustoasa si frageda decat carnea din import, vanduta de marile lanturi de supermarket-uri.

(pentru 4 persoane / for 4 servings)
- 800 grame piept de porc / 800 grams short rib
- 1 ceapa alba / 1 white onion
- 5 catei de usturoi / 5 garlic cloves
- 250 ml lapte / 250 ml milk
- 6 cartofi mari / 6 big potatoes
- 2 cepe rosii / 2 red onions
- 3 bucati gogosari murati / 3 pieces pickled peppers
- 2 castraveti murati / 2 pickles
- 3 oua / 3 eggs
- Masline / Olives
- Ulei de masline / Olives oil
- Sare / Salt
- Otet / Vinegar

Taiem pieptul de porc felii si il presaram cu sare. Il asezam intr-un bol cu capac. Deasupra adaugam ceapa alba taiata cubulete, usturoiul strivit si laptele. Lasam la marinat la frigider. De preferat ar fi sa il lasam de pe o zi pe alta.
Inainte de a pregati carnea, o scoatem din frigider si curatam marinata de pe fiecare felie de carne. Lasam apoi la temperatura camerei timp de o ora. Intr-o tava cu capac punem feliile de carne, fara a le suprapune, turnam o cana de apa si o dam la cuptorul incins, la 180 grade, timp de o ora. Dupa o ora, scoatem capacul si mai lasam pana cand carnea este frumos rumenita, aproximativ 15 – 20 de minute.

Pentru salata orientala, curatam cartofii, ii taiem pe jumatate si apoi felii. Eu am fiert cartofii in aparatul de fiert la abur timp de 20 minute. In cazul in care nu detineti un astfel de aparat, recomand sa folositi cartofi mai mici pe care ii spalati bine si ii fierbeti cu coaja.
Cartofii fierti ii amestecam cu gogosarii murati, castravetii si ceapa rosie taiata felii. Adaugam sare, ulei de masline si otet. Mie personal imi place sa folosesc otetul din gogosarii murati deoarece are un gust dulceag. La sfarsit adaugam masline si ouale taiate felii. Pentru a se imprieteni gusturile, lasam la rece cateva ore.

English version:
Today I want to introduce you two good friends: the marinated short ribs accompanied by it’s best friend … cold oriental salad.
For this tender and juicy steak, we must choose a short ribs with bone. My recommendation is to buy the meat from a local producer. It is much tastier and more tender than imported meat sold by large supermarket chains.
Cut the meat into slices and sprinkle with salt. We place it in a bowl with a lid. On top add diced white onions, crushed garlic and milk. Leave to marinate in the refrigerator. It would be preferable to leave it overnight.
Before the meat is cooked, take it out of the fridge and clean the marinade from each slice of meat. Then leave at room temperature for one hour. In a tray with a lid, put the slices of meat, without overlapping them, pour a cup of water and put in the oven heated to 180 degrees for an hour. After an hour, remove the lid and leave until the meat is nicely browned, about 15-20 minutes.
For the oriental salad, peel the potatoes, cut them in half and then slices. I boiled the potatoes in the steamer for 20 minutes. If you do not have such a device, I recommend using smaller potatoes that you wash well and boil with the peel.
We mix the boiled potatoes with pickled peppers, cucumbers and sliced red onions. Add salt, olive oil and vinegar. I personally like to use pickled peppers vinegar because it tastes sweet. At the end we add olives and sliced eggs. To satisfy the tastes, let it cool for a few hours.
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