Inspirata de cateva fructe tomnatice achizitionate de la producatorii locali, mai exact de la Honey Berries / Afine Brasov, am incercat acest delicios mic dejun. Secretul unui porridge reusit consta in pregatirea corecta a acestuia, respectiv fierberea ovazului doar in apa si adaugarea laptelui doar la sfarsit pentru obtinerea unei consistente fine. Un alt secret il reprezinta timpul de repaus de 5-10 minute intre pregatirea acestuia si momentul servirii.

(pentru 1 portie / for 1 serving)
- 1 ceasca fulgi de ovaz / 1 cup oatmeal
- 3 cesti apa / 3 cups water
- 1 ceasca lapte / 1 cup milk
- 2 linguri sirop de artar / 2 tablespoons maple syrup
- 1 lingura indulcitor pe baza de stevie / 1 teaspon stevia-based sweetener
- 1 smochina / 1 fig
- 1 lingura mure / 1 tablespoon blackberries
- 1 lingura afine / 1 tablespoon blueberries
- 1 lingurita fulgi de cocos / 1 teaspoon coconut flakes
- 5 Alune / 5 Hazelnuts
- Sare / Salt

Metoda de preparare este extrem de usoara. Intr-o craticioara se rastoarna ovazul si se prajeste 1-2 minute amestecand constant. Turnam apa fierbinte si adaugam un praf de sare. Lasam la fiert timp de 15 minute amestecand ocazional. Pentru o consistenta cremoasa adaugam, la sfarsit ceasca de lapte. Mai fierbem timp de 5 minute si rasturnam intr-un bol. Deasupra turnam siropul de artar si asteptam 5 – 10 minute inainte de servire.
Intre timp, pregatim dressing-ul de fructe de padure. Amestecam fructele cu 1 lingura de indulcitor pe baza de stevie si le punem la fiert timp de 3-4 minute. Rasturam dressing-ul peste porridge, decoram cu smochine proaspete, fulgi de cocos si alune.

Daca v-a placut reteta de porridge cu arome de toamna, va recomandam sa incercati si o combinatie inedita de porridge cu budinca de chia si mango sau o budinca de chia cu fructe de padure.
English version
Porridge with autumn flavors
Inspired by some autumn fruits purchased from local producers, more precisely from Honey Berries / Afine Brasov, I tried this delicious breakfast. The secret of a successful porridge consists in its correct preparation, respectively boiling the oats only in water and adding milk only at the end to obtain a fine consistency. Another secret is the rest time of 5-10 minutes between its preparation and the time of serving.
The preparation method is extremely easy. In a saucepan, add the oats and fry for 1-2 minutes, stirring constantly. Pour hot water and add a pinch of salt. Let it boil for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. For a creamy consistency, add a cup of milk at the end. Boil for another 5 minutes and pour into a bowl. Pour the maple syrup on top and wait 5-10 minutes before serving.
In the meantime, prepare the berry dressing. Mix the fruits with 1 tablespoon of stevia-based sweetener and boil them for 3-4 minutes. Turn the dressing over the porridge, decorate with fresh figs, coconut flakes and hazelnuts.
If you liked the recipe for porridge with autumn flavors, we recommend you try a unique combination of porridge with chia pudding and mango or a chia pudding with berries.
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