Vinete coapte cu muschi de vita si sos de iaurt


Ce ziceti de o portie de vinete coapte cu muschi de vita si sos de iaurt? Vinete coapte pe gratar, sos de iaurt aromat cu ulei de masline si usturoi, muschi de vita fraged usor picant si pita calda scaldata intr-un sos fantastic de unt este tot ce avem nevoie pentru un pranz fantastic.

Vinete coapte cu muschi de vita si sos de iaurt


(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)

  • 400 grame muschi de vita / 400 grams veal tenderloin
  • 3 vinete coapte / 3 baked eggplants
  • 250 grame iaurt grecesc 10% / 250 grams greek joghurt minimum 10% fat
  • Piper / Pepper
  • Sare / Salt
  • Fulgi de chilli / Chilli flakes
  • 1 lingurita sos tabasco / 1 teaspoon tabasco
  • 4 linguri ulei de masline / 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • 6 catei de usturoi / 6 garlic cloves
  • 3 linguri pasta de ardei dulce / 3 tablespoons sweet pepper sauce
  • 50 grame unt / 50 grams butter
Vinete coapte cu muschi de vita si sos de iaurt

Taiem muschiul de vita in cubulete foarte mici. Adaugam sare, piper, fulgi de chilli, sos tabasco, 3 catei de usturoi taiati marunt si lasam la temperatura camerei pentru o ora. Ulterior, incingem 2 linguri de ulei de masline si prajim muschiul de vita timp de 2-3 minute. Adaugam pasta de ardei si continuam sa mai gatim 5 minute. La sfarsit adaugam cubul de unt.

Pentru sosul de iaurt, amestecam iaurtul cu sare, ulei de masline si 3 catei de usturoi taiati marunt.

Pe un tocator taiem vinetele coapte in bucati relativ marisoare. Adaugam sare si ulei de masline si le asezam sub forma de strat. Deasuspra vinetelor aranjam sosul de iaurt si rasturnam muschiul de vita.

Servim vinetele cu lipii sau cu paine si evident, cu multa pofta.

Vinete coapte cu muschi de vita si sos de iaurt

Daca v-a placut reteta de vinete coapte cu muschi de vita si sos de iaurt, puteti incerca si hummus cu muschi de vita, o tagliata de vita cu usturoi copt sau chiar un steak burger.

English version

Baked eggplant with veal and yogurt sauce

How about a serving of baked eggplant with veal and yogurt sauce? Grilled eggplant, yogurt sauce flavored with olive oil and garlic, lightly spicy tender veal tenderloin and hot pita bread bathed in a fantastic butter sauce is all we need for a fantastic lunch.

Cut the veal into very small cubes. Add salt, pepper, chilli flakes, tabasco sauce, 3 cloves of finely chopped garlic and leave at room temperature for an hour. Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil and fry the veal tenderloin for 2-3 minutes. Add the pepper sauce and continue to cook for another 5 minutes. At the end add the butter cube.

For the yogurt sauce, mix the yogurt with salt, olive oil and 3 cloves of finely chopped garlic.

Cut the baked eggplant into relatively small pieces. Add salt and olive oil and place them in a layer. Arrange the yogurt sauce on top of the eggplant and turn over the veal.

Serve the eggplant with pita or bread and obviously with a lot of appetite.

If you liked the eggplant recipe with veal and yogurt sauce, you can also try a hummus with veal temderloin, tagliata with baked garlic or even a steak burger.


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