Croissant au saumon & guacamole


Startul perfect al unei zile? Desigur!

Croissant cald cu seminte, avocado si somon afumat reprezinta o combinatie absolut delicioasa pentru micul dejun sau pentru brunch.


(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)

  • 2 croissante integrale cu seminte / 2 wholemeal croissants
  • 1 avocado / 1 avocado
  • 2 cepe verzi / 2 green onions
  • Suc de lamaie / Lemon juice
  • Ulei de masline / Olive oil
  • 1 castravete / 1 cucumber
  • 1 ardei iute / 1 hot pepper
  • Somon afumat / Smoked salmon
  • 4 oua de prepelita / 4 quail eggs
  • Seminte de susan / Sesame seeds
  • Fulgi de chilli / Chilli flakes

Pentru guacamole, taiem avocado in doua si cu ajutorul unei linguri scoatem fructul intr-o farfurie. Adaugam ceapa verde taiata marunt, sare, ulei de masline si sucul de lamaie si presam compozitia cu ajutorul unei furculite.

Taiem croissantele si acoperim baza cu guacamole. Adaugam felii de ardei iute (optional), castraveti, somon si ouale de prepelita posate. Decoram cu seminte de susan si fulgi de chilli.

Servim cu pofta pentru o zi perfecta!

English version:

Croissant au saumon & guacamole

The perfect start to a day? Of course!

Warm croissant with seeds, avocado and smoked salmon is an absolutely delicious combination for breakfast or brunch.

For the guacamole, cut the avocado in half and use a spoon to remove the fruit to a plate. Add finely chopped green onions, salt, olive oil and lemon juice and press the composition with a fork.

Cut the croissants and cover the base with guacamole. Add slices of hot peppers (optional), cucumbers, salmon and poached quail eggs. Garnish with sesame seeds and chilli flakes.


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