Pui Shanghai


Gatim sanatos, reducem continutul de zahar si grasimi, dar din cand in cand mai incalcam regulile. Si atunci ar fi de preferat ca acest lucru sa se intample in bucataria noastra. Asa putem sa controlam calitatea ingredientelor si mai ales a uleiului in care prajim. Stim cu totii, ca in restaurantele de tip fast food, uleiul este folosit si refolosit de multe ori. De asemenea, alegem garnituri gatite corect: cartofi gatiti la Actifry sau cuptor, salate si sosuri “homemade” fara adaosuri inutile.


(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)

  • 500 grame piept de pui / 500 grams chicken breast
  • 4 linguri sos de soia / 4 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 2 linguri otet de orez / 2 tablespoons rice vinegar
  • 2 catei de usturoi / 2 garlic cloves
  • patrunjel verde / parsley
  • 3 oua / 3 eggs
  • 4 linguri amidon / 4 tablespoons corn starch
  • 1 lingura mustar / 1 tablespoons mustard
  • 2 linguri seminte susan / 2 tablespoons sesame seeds
  • Ulei / Oil
  • Sare / Salt

Taiem pieptul de pui in fasii subtiri. Il punem intr-un bol si adaugam 2 linguri sos de soia, otetul de orez, patrunjelul taiat marunt si usturoiul strivit. Lasam la frigider pentru marinare cateva ore.

Pentru crusta, amestecam ouale cu amidonul, sosul de soia ramas, mustarul si semintele de susan. Trecem feliile de pui marinate prin amestecul de oua si le prajim in baie de ulei incins pana cand puiul este frumos rumenit.

Servim cu cartofi prajiti la Actifry, salata de varza, salata de rosii, sos de soia cu usturoi si sos cocktail. Pentru sosul cocktail, amestecam maioneza, ketchup, sos piri-piri, sos Worchester. Ideal este sa folosim maioneza si ketchup “homemade”, nicidecum suratele lor de pe raft.

English version:

Shanghai Chicken

We cook healthy, we reduce the sugar and fat content, but from time to time we break the rules. And then it would be preferable for this to happen in our kitchen. This way we can control the quality of the ingredients and especially of the oil in which we fry. We all know that in fast food restaurants, the oil is used and reused many times. We also choose correctly cooked garnishes: potatoes cooked in Actifry or oven, salads and „homemade” sauces without unnecessary additions.

Cut the chicken breast into thin strips. Put it in a bowl and add 2 tablespoons soy sauce, rice vinegar, finely chopped parsley and crushed garlic. Leave in the fridge for marinating for a few hours.

For the crust, mix the eggs with the starch, the remaining soy sauce, the mustard and the sesame seeds. Pass the marinated chicken slices through the egg mixture and fry them in a hot oil bath until the chicken is nicely browned.

Serve with Actifry french fries, cabbage salad, tomato salad, soy sauce with garlic and cocktail sauce. For the cocktail sauce, mix mayonnaise, ketchup, piri-piri sauce, Worchester sauce. It is ideal to use mayonnaise and „homemade” ketchup, not their “sister” on the shelf.


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