In sfarsit primavara! Dam startul gratarelor in aer liber cu o garnitura ideala potrivita unui picnic de senzatie. Salata de varza rosie cu arome fructate, proaspata si racoroasa, usor de pregatit in avans si de asemenea, usor de transportat.
- 1/2 varza rosie / 1/2 red cabbage
- 1 morcov / 1 carrot
- 1 mar / 1 apple
- 4 cepe verzi / 4 scallions
- 1/2 rodie / 1/2 pomegranate
- 1 portocala mica / 1 small orange
- 3 linguri ulei de masline / 3 tablespoons olive oil
- 2 linguri seminte susan / 2 tablespoons sesame seeds
- Sare / Salt
Curatam varza si o taiem foarte subtire. Presaram o jumatate de lingurita de sare mare si o presam usor cu mana pentru a se fragezii. Radem morcovul si marul pe razatoarea mare si le adaugam peste varza, alaturi de semintele de rodie si ceapa verde taiata marunt.
Adaugam peste salata, sucul de la o portocala, uleiul de masline si semintele de susan.
Pastram salata la rece pana in momentul servirii. Eu am ales aceasta salata ca si garnitura pentru pulpe si aripioare de pui, alaturi de o portie de cartofi copti.
Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.
Daca v-a placut reteta de salata de varza rosie, va recomand sa incercati si o salata de ciuperci murate sau o salata de varza rosie cu legume alaturi de o portie mare de aripioare.
Enghlish version
Red cabbage salad
Finally spring! We start the outdoor barbecues with an ideal dish suitable for a sensational picnic. Red cabbage salad with fruity flavors, fresh and cool, easy to prepare in advance and also easy to transport.
Clean the cabbage and slice it thinly. Sprinkle half a teaspoon of salt and press lightly by hand to soften. Grate the carrot and apple on a large grater and add them over the cabbage, along with the pomegranate seeds and finely chopped green onions.
Add over the salad, the orange juice, the olive oil and the sesame seeds.
Keep the salad in the fridge until the serving. I chose this salad as a dish for chicken legs and wings.
You can find the video details of the recipe here.
If you liked the red cabbage salad recipe, I recommend you try a pickled mushroom salad or a red cabbage salad with vegetables along with a large portion of chicken wings.
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