Salata de vinete


Salata de vinete este un “clasic” in bucataria romaneasca. O putem servi la micul dejun, la cina, iar de pe mesele festive nici vorba sa lipseasca.

Cu maioneza sau doar cu ulei, cu ceapa sau cu usturoi, reteta salatei de vinete este extrem de versatila.

Cautand o varianta mai “light”, am ajuns la aceasta varianta, absolut delicioasa cu mai putine calorii, insa cu un gust asemanator salatei de vinete cu maioneza.


  • 2-3 vinete / 2 – 3 eggplants
  • 1 ceapa alba mica / 1 small white onion
  • 2 catei de usturoi / 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 lingura labneh sau crema de branza natur gen Almette / 1 tablespoon labneh or cream cheese
  • 1 lingurita de mustar / 1 teaspoon mustard
  • Sare / Salt
  • 2 linguri ulei / 2 tablespoon oil
  • Suc de lamaie / Lemon juice

Coacem vinetele, le curatam si le lasam la scurs cateva ore.

Tocam vinetele marunt cu ajutorul unui cutit sau blender. Adaugam 1 lingura de labneh sau crema de branza, mustarul, usturoiul zdrobit si sarea. Mixam usor adaugand treptat uleiul. Adaugam sucul de lamaie, dupa gustul fiecaruia. Taiem ceapa marunt, presaram cu sare si o stropim cu suc de lamaie. O lasam sa stea la marinat cateva minute si apoi o adaugam in salata de vinete.

Servim, evident, cu salata de rosii si ceapa.


English version:

Eggplant salad is a „classic” in Romanian cuisine. We can serve it for breakfast, for dinner, and there is no festive dinner without it.

With mayonnaise or just oil, onion or garlic, the eggplant salad recipe is extremely versatile.

Looking for a „lighter” version, I tried this version, absolutely delicious with fewer calories, but with a taste similar to eggplant salad with mayonnaise.

Bake the eggplants, clean them and let them drain for a few hours.

Finely chop the eggplant with a knife or blender. Add 1 tablespoon of labneh or cream cheese, mustard, crushed garlic and salt. Mix lightly, gradually adding the oil. Add lemon juice, according to your taste. Finely chop the onion, sprinkle with salt and sprinkle with lemon juice. Let it marinate for a few minutes and then add it to the eggplant salad.

Serve, obviously, with tomato and onion salad.


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