Astazi o noua dilema … Salata greceasca vs salata cu pepene. Voi ce alegeti? Daca prima dintre ele are la baza legume, a doua ne surprinde cu arome de pepene si menta. Insa oricare ar fi alegerea voastra, va veti bucura de un pranz sau o cina super fresh.
(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
Pentru salata greceasca / For greek salad
- 200 grame branza feta / 200 grams feta cheese
- 2 castraveti / 2 cucumbers
- 2 bucati ceapa rosie / 2 red onions
- 3 rosii / 3 tomatoes
- 50 grame masline / 50 grams olives
- 1 lingurita oregano / 1 teaspoon oregano
- 4 linguri ulei de masline / 4 tablespoons olive oil
- Sare / Salt
Pentru salata cu pepene / For watermelon salad
- 100 grame branza feta / 100 grams feta cheese
- 300 grame pepene rosu / 300 grams watermelon
- 10 frunze menta / 10 mint leaves
- 1/4 lingurita oregano / 1/4 teaspoon oregano
- 1/4 lingurita sumac / 1/4 teaspoon sumac
- 1/4 linguria fulgi de chilli / 1/4 teaspoon chilli
- 3 linguri ulei de masline / 3 tablespoons olive oil
- Sare / Salt
In mod traditional pentru aceste salate alegem branza feta. Astazi, insa am ales branza cremoasa de la President si mi s-a parut delicioasa.
Pentru salata greceasca taiem grosier legumele si le presaram cu sare. Amestecam usor si adaugam maslinele si cuburile de branza. Turnam deasupra uleiul de masline si presam oregano.
Pentru a doua salata, taiem pepenele si branza in cubulete. Le adaugam intr-un bol si adaugam menta taiata marunt, condimentele si uleiul de masline. Amestecam usor si pastram la rece.
Servim salatele reci alaturi de lipii calde si de ce nu, alaturi de alte aperitive grecesti.
Daca v-a placut confruntarea Salata greceasca vs Salata cu pepene, va invit sa incercati si Greek Chicken Gyros, Greek Mezze Platter sau un Halloumi copt in sos de rosii si usturoi.
English version
Greek Salad vs Watermelon Salad
Today a new dilemma… Greek salad vs melon salad. What do you choose? If the first of them is based on vegetables, the second surprises us with aromas of watermelon and mint. But whatever your choice, you will enjoy a super fresh lunch or dinner.
Traditionally for these salads we choose feta cheese. Today, however, I chose the cream cheese from President and I found it delicious.
For the Greek salad, coarsely chopped the vegetables and sprinkled them with salt. Mix lightly and add the olives and cheese cubes. Pour the olive oil on top and press the oregano.
For the second salad, cut the melon and cheese into cubes. Add them to a bowl and add finely chopped mint, spices and olive oil. Mix lightly and keep cold.
Serve the cold salads with hot pita bread and why not, with other Greek appetizers.
If you liked Greek Salad vs Watermelon Salad, I invite you to try Greek Chicken Gyros, Greek Mezze Platter or a Halloumi baked in tomato and garlic sauce.
- Rayelin Hotel Istanbul Old City
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