Astazi incercam una dintre cele mai bune retete de cartofi cu sos de iaurt. O combinatie super faina care ne aduce aminte de gustul cartofilor natur. O puteti servi ca atare sau ca si garnitura pentru peste sau fripturi.

(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 8 cartofi noi / 8 potatoes
- 4 linguri ulei de masline / 4 tablespoons olive oil
- 75 grame unt / 75 grams butter
- 3 fire ceapa verde / 3 scallions
- 300 grame iaurt grecesc / 300 grams greek joghurt
- 2 catei de usturoi / 2 garlic cloves
- Sare / Salt

Spalam bine cartofii si ii fierbem cu o lingura de sare. Eu am ales sa ii fierb in Tefal One Pot. Am pus cartofii in cosulet, i-am presarat cu sare si am ales functia “Steam”, pentru 30 de minute.
Intr-o tigaie incingem uleiul de masline si adaugam cartofii fierti cu tot cu coaja. Deasupra punem cubul de unt si rumenim cartofii pe ambele parti. La sfarsit adaugam ceapa verde taiata marunt.
Intre timp pregatim sosul de iaurt, amestecand iaurtul cu sare si usturoiul zdrobit.

Pe o farfurie aranjam un start de crema de iaurt, cartofii si sosul de unt in care am pregatit cartofii. Noi i-am servit alaturi de un fritto misto.

Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.

Daca v-a placut reteta de cartofi noi cu sos de iaurt, va recomand sa incercati si Cartofi copti zrobiti, Cartofi copti umpluti cu bacon si ceapa verde sau o Tocana de vitel cu cartofi.
Enghlis version
Potatoes with Yogurt Sauce
Today we try one of the best potato recipes with yogurt sauce. A great combination that reminds us of the taste of natural potatoes. You can serve it as such or as a garnish for fish or steaks.
Wash the potatoes well and boil them with a tablespoon of salt. I chose to boil them in Tefal One Pot. I put the potatoes in the basket, sprinkled them with salt and chose the „Steam” function, for 30 minutes.
Heat the olive oil in a pan and add the boiled potatoes with the peel. Put the butter cube on top and brown the potatoes on both sides. At the end add finely chopped green onions. Meanwhile, prepare the yogurt sauce, mixing the yogurt with salt and crushed garlic.
On a plate place the yogurt, potatoes and butter sauce in which we prepared the potatoes.
You can find the video details of the recipe here.
If you liked the recipe for potatoes with yogurt sauce, I recommend you try smashed baked potatoes, baked potatoes stuffed with bacon and green onions or a veal stew with potatoes.
- Supa de rosii, linte si cimbru
- Salata de ardei copti cu burrata
- Calamari la cuptor cu rosii si masline
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- Salata de cartofi cu caracatita
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