Supa crema de dovleac copt este o reteta care mi-a ridicat multe semne de intrebare. Nici macar nu eram foarte convinsa ca vreau sa o incerc, deoarece nu sunt un fan al acestei legume. Am decis totusi sa ii dau o sansa intr-o supa crema, bine condimentata si nu am dat gres… asadar, daca va intrebati si voi… merita incercata cu siguranta.
Pentru rezultate optime, recomand sa coaceti dovleacul, supa avand un gust dulceag, usor caramelizat. De asemenea, foarte importante sunt si condimentele folosite. Aici, imaginatia fiecaruia isi va pune accentul: scortisoara, ghimbir, cimbru, chimen, usturoi. Pentru gustul fin puteti adauga smantana dulce sau lapte vegetal. Iar pentru servire, alegem crutoane sau seminte si fulgi de chilli. Asadar aceasta supa este destul de versatila putand sa o adaptam foarte usor pe gustul nostru.
(pentru 8 portii / for 8 servings)
- 2 dovleci (aproximativ 2 kg / 2 pieces butternut squash (2 kg)
- 2 cepe / 2 onions
- 1 lingurita chimen / 1 teaspoon caraway
- 6 catei de usturoi / 6 garlic cloves
- 50 grame unt / 50 grams butter
- 6 linguri ulei de masline / 6 tablespoons olive oil
- 300 ml smantana dulce / 300 ml double cream
- Sare / Salt
- Seminte / Seeds
- Chilli / Chilli flakes
Incepem prin a curata dovleacul de coaja si de seminte. Taiem felii, presaram sare si stropim cu 3 linguri de ulei. Aranjam feliile de dovleac intr-o tava si coacem la 180 grade Celsius timp de 30 de minute.
In Tefal One Pot sau intr-o cratita normala, incingem restul de ulei cu untul. Calim ceapa taiata marunt impreuna cu chimenul si adaugam feliile de dovleac copt. Adaugam 1,5 litri apa si sare. Daca alegem sa folosim Tefal One Pot, alegem optiunea HP timp de 20 de minute. Pentru gatire clasica, fierbem supa timp de 30 de minute la foc mediu. La expirarea timpului, adaugam usturoiul si smantana dulce si pasam cu ajutorul unui blender.
Servim supa crema cu seminte de dovleac si fulgi de chilli.
Daca v-a placut Supa crema de dovleac copt, puteti incerca si o Supa crema de dovlecei si mazare cu ricotta si menta, o Supa de rosii coapte sau un Cappuccino de parmezan cu spuma de lapte si trufe.
Baked pumpkin cream soup
Baked pumpkin cream soup is a recipe that raised many questions. I wasn’t even very convinced that I wanted to try it, because I’m not a fan of this vegetable. However, I decided to give it a try in a cream soup, well seasoned and I didn’t fail… so, if you are wondering too… it is definitely worth a try.
For optimal results, I recommend baking the pumpkin, the soup having a sweet, slightly caramelized taste. Also very important are the spices used. Here, everyone’s imagination will focus: cinnamon, ginger, thyme, cumin, garlic. For fine taste you can add double cream or vegetable milk. And for serving, choose croutons, seeds or chilli flakes. So this soup is quite versatile and we can easily adapt it to our taste.
Start by peeling the pumpkin and seeds. Cut into slices, sprinkle with salt and sprinkle with 3 tablespoons of oil. Arrange the pumpkin slices in a pan and bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes.
In Tefal One Pot or in a normal pan, heat the rest of the oil with the butter. Heat the finely chopped onion and add the sliced baked pumpkin. Add 1.5 liters of water and salt. If you use Tefal One Pot, choose the HP option for 20 minutes. For classic cooking, cook the soup for 30 minutes over medium heat. At the end of the time, add the garlic and sweet cream and pass through a blender.
Serve the cream soup with pumpkin seeds and chilli flakes.
If you liked Baked Pumpkin Cream Soup, you can also try a Zucchini and Pea Cream Soup with ricotta and mint, a Baked Tomato Soup or a Parmesan Cappuccino with Milk Foam and Truffles.
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