Coaste de vita cu sos de gutui caramelizate si hrean este o reinterpretare a unei vechi retete cu carne de vita cu sos de fructe. Pentru un gust perfect am ales cele mai bune coaste de vita, condimentate simplu doar cu sare si gatite lent. Gustul desavarsit este dat de gutuile caramelizate, completat perfect de sosul picant de hrean.
(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 1,2 kg coaste de vita / 1,2 short veal ribs
- 2 linguri ulei / 2 tablespoons oil
- 4 gutui / 4 quinces
- 50 grame unt / 50 grams butter
- 2 linguri zahar brun / 2 tablespoons brown sugar
- 1 lingurita amidon / 1 teaspoon cornstarch
- Sare / Salt
- Piper / Pepper
Taiem coasta de vita in 4 bucati pe care le presaram cu sare si le lasam la temperatura camerei timp de o ora. Eu am ales sa pregatesc coastele lent cu ajutorul Tefal One Pot. Folosind functia Brown incingem uleiul si prajim carnea cate 2 minute pe fiecare parte. Adaugam o cana de apa si alegem functia Slow Cooker pentru 6 ore. Pentru pregatirea clasica, urmam aceiasi pasi rumenind carnea intr-o cratita, adaugam apa si introducem carnea la cuptor intr-o cratita cu capac pentru 4 ore la 150 grade Celsius.
Pentru sos, incingem untul intr-o tigaie. Adaugam zaharul si il lasam pana se topeste. Prajim in acest sos feliile de gutui pe ambele parti, in transe, fara a le suprapune. Cand terminam toate feliile de caramelizat adaugam in tigaie 1 cana din sosul in care a fiert carnea si 1 lingurita de amidon incorporata in putina apa. Adaugam sare si piper si fierbem timp de cateva minute pana sosul devine omogen. La sfarsit adaugam gutuile usor, astfel incat sa nu le strivim. Le mai lasam pe foc timp de 5 minute.
Servim carnea de vita cu sosul dulceag de gutui caramelizate si nu uitam de sosul de hrean.
Daca v-a placut reteta de Coaste de vita cu sos de gutui caramelizate si hrean, puteti incerca si un Ficat de vitel cu ceapa caramelizata, niste Coaste de vita gatite lent & Risotto cu parmezan sau un Muschi de vita cu creveti.
English vesion
Veal ribs with caramelized quince sauce and horseradish
Veal ribs with caramelized quince sauce and horseradish is a reinterpretation of an old beef recipe with fruit sauce. For a perfect taste, we chose the best beef ribs, simply seasoned with salt and cooked slowly. The incredible taste is given by the caramelized quinces perfectly complemented by the spicy horseradish sauce.
Cut the beef rib into 4 pieces, sprinkle with salt and leave them at room temperature for an hour. I chose to cook the meat slowly with the help of Tefal One Pot. Using the Brown function, heat the oil and fry the meat for 2 minutes on each side. Add a cup of water and choose the Slow Cooker function for 6 hours. For the classic preparation, follow the same steps by browning the meat in a saucepan, add water and put the meat in the oven in a saucepan with a lid for 4 hours at 150 degrees Celsius.
For the sauce, heat the butter in a pan. When it is melted, add the sugar and leave it until it is caramelized. Add a few quince slices, without overlapping and lightly fry them on both sides. When we finish all the caramelized quinces, add in the pan 1 cup from the sauce in which the meat was boiled and the teaspoon of starch incorporated in a small quantity of water. Add salt and pepper and cook for a few minutes until the sauce is smooth. At the end, add the quinces lightly, so as not to crush them. Let them simmer for another 5 minutes.
We serve the beef with the sweet caramelized quince sauce and we don’t forget the horseradish sauce.
If you liked the Veal Ribs with caramelized quince sauce and horseradish, you can also try a Veal liver with caramelized onions, some slow cooked Veal Ribs & Risotto with Parmesan or a Beef Muschi with Shrimp.
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