Supa sau Ciorba? … de pui


Nici macar nu stiu denumirea exacta a acestei supe – ciorbe de pui. O mancam cand mergeam in vizita la bunica mea si mi se parea interesant ca se afla la limita dintre o supa de pui cu multi taietei si o ciorba cu un gust delicios de bors si leustean. Aceasta combinatie a devenit in scurt timp una dintre preferatele mele si inca o gatesc cu multa placere.


(pentru 8 portii / for 8 servings)

  • 1 kg pui / 1 kg chicken
  • 3 morcovi / 3 carrots
  • 1 radacina patrunjel / 1 parsley root
  • 1 pastarnac / 1 parsnip
  • 1 felie de telina / 1 slice celery
  • 2 cepe albe / 2 white onions
  • 250 grame taietei de casa / 250 grams homemade noodles
  • 250 ml bors / 250 ml borsch
  • 3 linguri leustean tocat marunt / 3 tablespoons finely chopped lovage
  • Sare / Salt

Spalam puiul si il taiem in bucati mai mici.. Intr-o oala punem puiul la fiert in 3 l de apa. In momentul in care fierbe, indepartam spuma si adaugam 1 lingurita de sare si legumele taiate astfel: ceapa taiata marunt, morcovii rondele, patrunjelul si pastarnacul taiat in doua si felia de telina. Lasam sa fiarba timp de o ora la foc mic. Cand legumele si carnea sunt fierte, indepartam din ciorba patrunjelul, pastarnacul si telina si adaugam borsul. Lasam sa dea din nou in clocot si apoi adaugam taieteii fierti si clatiti cu apa rece si leusteanul.

Servim supa – ciorba cu ardei iuti proaspeti sau murati.

English version:

(The best) Chicken Soup

I don’t even know the exact name of this chicken soup. I ate it when I was visiting my grandmother and I found it interesting that it was on the border between a chicken soup with noodles and a delicious taste of borscht and lovage. This combination became one of my favorites and I still cook it with great pleasure.

Wash the chicken and cut it into smaller pieces. In a pot, boil the chicken in 3 l of water. When it boils, remove the foam and add 1 teaspoon of salt and the vegetables cut as follows: finely chopped onion, round carrots, parsley and parsnip cut in half and the celery slice. Let it boil for an hour on low heat. When the vegetables and meat are cooked, remove the parsley, parsnips and celery from the soup and add the borscht. Bring to the boil and then add the boiled and rinsed noodles with cold water and the lovage.

Serve soup with fresh or pickled hot peppers.


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