Tarta Panna Cotta cu fructe


Chef de ceva bun? Incercam o tarta cu aluat fraged completata cu crema fina usor vanilata si desavarsita cu arome de fructe proaspete.


(pentru 6 portii / for 6 servings)

Pentru aluat fraged de tarta / For tart crust:

  • 250 grame faina / 250 grams flour
  • 125 grame unt / 125 grams butter
  • 1 galbenus / 1 egg yolks
  • 1 praf de sare / A pinch of salt
  • 1 lingurita esenta de vanilie / 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 40 ml apa rece / 40 ml cold water

Pentru Panna Cotta / For Panna Cotta:

  • 600 ml smantana dulce / 600 ml double cream
  • 75 grame zahar / 75 grams sugar
  • 2 lingurite esenta de vanilie / 2 teaspoons vanilla
  • 10 grame gelatina / 10 grams gelatin

In bolul mixerului adaugam faina, untul taiat cubulete, sarea, esenta de vanilie, galbenusul de ou si apa foarte rece. Mixam pana obtinem un aluat compact. Il modelam sub forma de bila si il lasam la rece timp de 30 de minute, invelit in folie alimentara. Dupa expirarea timpului intindem aluatul si il mutam intr-o forma de tarta. Acoperim cu o hartie de copt si boabe de fasole si coacem timp de 20 de minute la 170 grade Celsius, apoi indepartam hartia si fasolea si mai coacem inca 20 de minute. Lasam la racit si pregatim intre timp crema.

Intr-un bol mic amestecam gelatina cu 25 ml apa rece si lasam la hidratat 10 minute. Intr-o craticioara amestecam smantana cu zaharul si le incalzim pe foc mic fara a le fierbe. Adaugam esenta de vanilie si gelatina si amestecam pana cand aceasta este topita. Lasam sa ajunga la temperatura camerei apoi o turnam in forma de tarta.

Pastram la rece timp de cateva ore si servim cu fructe.

English version

Panna Cotta tart with fruit

In the bowl of the mixer add flour, diced butter, salt, vanilla essence, egg yolk and very cold water. Mix until you get a compact dough. Shape it into a ball and leave it to cool for 30 minutes, wrapped in cling film. After the time expires, roll out the dough and move it into a tart shape. Cover with baking paper and beans and bake for 20 minutes at 170 degrees Celsius, then remove the paper and beans and bake for another 20 minutes. Let cool and meanwhile prepare the cream.

In a small bowl, mix the gelatin with 25 ml of cold water and leave it to hydrate for 10 minutes. In a saucepan mix the cream with the sugar and heat them over low heat without boiling. Add the vanilla and gelatin essence and mix until melted. Let it reach room temperature then pour it into a tart shape.

Let cool for a few hours and serve with fruit.


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