Varza calita cu friptura de porc


Duminicile in familie, in casele romanesti, au un farmec aparte, iar masa de pranz devine un adevarat ritual al gusturilor si traditiilor. Un astfel de fel de mancare, care nu lipseste de pe mesele romanilor este varza calita cu friptura de porc – un preparat care aduce impreuna savorile intense ale bucatariei traditionale si atmosfera calda a unui pranz impartasit cu cei dragi. Delicios si satios, acest fel de mancare nu doar ca iti va incanta papilele gustative duminica la pranz, dar va deveni si un pachet perfect pentru a doua zi, cand gustul se va intensifica, iar aroma va fi si mai placuta. Hai sa descoperim impreuna cum putem prepara acest festin cu varza rosie calita si friptura suculenta de porc la tava!

Varza calita cu friptura de porc

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 6 portii)

Pentru varza rosie calita

  • 1,5 kg varza rosie
  • 2 cepe
  • 1 ardei gras
  • 2 linguri ulei
  • 4 rosii
  • 100 grame pasta tomate
  • Sare
  • Cimbru
  • Marar

Pentru friptura de porc la tava

  • 700 grame ceafa de porc cu os
  • 700 grame piept de porc
  • 300 ml supa de pui Zwup
  • Sare
  • Cimbru
  • Piper
Varza calita cu friptura de porc

Incepem pregatirea prin condimentarea carnii de porc. Presaram sare, piper si cimbru peste carne, apoi o lasam la marinat in frigider timp de 2-3 ore. Incalzim o tigaie si prajim fiecare felie de carne cate 2 minute pe fiecare parte, apoi le asezam intr-o tava termorezistenta.

Feliile de carne se aseaza una langa alta, turnam supa de pui peste ele, acoperim tava cu un capac sau folie de aluminiu si o introducem in cuptorul preincalzit la 170°C, timp de 60 de minute. Dupa acest timp, intoarcem carnea si mai lasam tava acoperita in cuptor pentru inca 30 de minute. La final, indepartam folia si lasam carnea in cuptor pana se rumeneste frumos, aproximativ alte 30 de minute.

Varza calita cu friptura de porc

Intre timp, pregatim garnitura de varza calita. Curatam ceapa si ardeiul, pe care le taiem cubulete mici. Incingem doua linguri de ulei intr-o tigaie, adaugam ceapa si 25 ml de apa rece, lasand ceapa sa se inabuse timp de 2 minute. Apoi, adaugam ardeiul rosu si continuam gatitul la foc mediu pentru inca 3 minute, completand cu putina apa, daca este nevoie.

Intre timp, taiem varza fideluta si o presaram cu sare grunjoasa, framantand-o usor cu mainile pentru a se inmuia. O adaugam peste legumele calite, alaturi de cimbru si gatim la foc mediu, amestecand din cand in cand si adaugand cate 50 ml de apa rece, astfel incat varza sa nu se lipeasca pe masura ce se evapora lichidul.

Varza calita cu friptura de porc

Cand varza s-a inmuiat, adaugam rosiile taiate cubulete si pasta de rosii, continuand sa gatim inca 10 minute. La final, punem mararul tocat fin si oprim focul.

Servim varza calita alaturi de friptura frageda de porc, ardei iuti si, bineinteles, un pahar de vin rosu Negru de Valahia de la Crama Stramutata. Acest Merlot provine din primele recolte ale vitei-de-vie tinere si este un vin rosu cu un buchet floral distinct, avand un continut echilibrat de tanin.

Varza calita cu friptura de porc

Detaliile video ale retetei:

Varza calita:

Friptura de porc

Daca v-a placut Varza calita cu friptura de porc, va invit sa incercati si:

Piept de rata cu varza rosie si mere
Piept de rata cu varza rosie si mere
(Cea mai buna) Salata de varza rosie
(Cea mai buna) Salata de varza rosie
Pulpe de rata cu varza rosie calita
Pulpe de rata cu varza rosie calita

English version

Braised Cabbage with Roast Pork

Family Sundays, in Romanian homes, have a special charm, and lunch becomes a true ritual of tastes and traditions. One such type of food that is not missing from Romanians’ tables is braised cabbage with roast pork – a dish that brings together the intense flavors of traditional cuisine and the warm atmosphere of a lunch shared with loved ones. Delicious and filling, this kind of food will not only delight your taste buds on Sunday at lunch, but will also become a perfect package for the next day, when the taste will intensify and the aroma will be even more pleasant. Let’s discover together how we can prepare this feast with stewed red cabbage and juicy roast pork in a pan!

INGREDIENTS (for 6 servings)

For cooked red cabbage

  • 1.5 kg red cabbage
  • 2 onions
  • 1 bell pepper
  • 2 tablespoons oil
  • 4 tomatoes
  • 100 grams tomato paste
  • Salt
  • Thyme
  • Dill

For the pan roast pork

  • 700 grams pork neck with bone
  • 700 grams pork breast
  • 300 ml Zwup chicken soup
  • Salt
  • Thyme
  • Pepper

Start the preparation by seasoning the pork. Sprinkle salt, pepper and thyme over the meat, then leave it to marinate in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Heat a pan and fry each slice of meat for 2 minutes on each side, then place them in a heat-resistant pan.

Place the meat slices next to each other, pour the chicken soup over them, cover the pan with a lid or aluminum foil and put it in the oven preheated to 170°C for 60 minutes. After this time, turn the meat over and leave the tray covered in the oven for another 30 minutes. At the end, remove the foil and leave the meat in the oven until it browns nicely, about another 30 minutes.

In the meantime, prepare the sauteed cabbage side dish. Clean the onion and the pepper and cut into small cubes. Heat two tablespoons of oil in a pan, add the onion and 25 ml of cold water, letting the onion simmer for 2 minutes. Then, add the red pepper and continue cooking on medium heat for another 3 minutes, adding a little water if necessary.

In the meantime, cut the cabbage and sprinkle it with coarse salt, kneading it gently with your hands to soften it. Add it over the cooked vegetables, along with the thyme, and cook on medium heat, stirring from time to time and adding 50 ml of cold water, so that the cabbage does not stick as the liquid evaporates.

When the cabbage has softened, add the diced tomatoes and tomato paste, continuing to cook for another 10 minutes. At the end, add finely chopped dill and turn off the heat.

Serve sauteed cabbage with tender pork steak, hot peppers and, of course, a glass of Wallachian Black red wine from Crama Stramutata. This Merlot comes from the first harvests of young vines and is a red wine with a distinct floral bouquet, with a balanced tannin content.

If you liked Braised Cabbage with Pork Steak, I invite you to try Duck breast with red cabbage and apples, (Best) Red Cabbage Salad or Duck Leg with Sautéed Red Cabbage.


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