Cauti o reteta simpla, crocanta cu un dressing usor acrisor? (Cea mai buna) salata de varza rosie este facuta cu ingrediente simple, bogate in nutrienti. Este perfecta pentru orice ocazie. Fa-o ca si garnitura la o friptura sau pentru un picnic si toti vor fi inspirati de gustul dulce – acrisor al acestei salate.
(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)
- 250 grame varza rosie / 250 grams red cabbage
- 100 grame salata Romana / 100 grame Romaine lettuce
- 1 morcov / 1 carrot
- 2 linguri otet de mere / 2 tablespoons apple vinegar
- 1 lingura ulei de masline / 1 tablespoon olive oil
- Sare / Salt
Metoda de preparare este foarte simpla. Curatam legumele si le spalam.
Taiem varza fideluta cu un cutit bine ascutit. O presaram cu sare si o framantam usor cu mana. Adaugam deasupra morcovul taiat in fasii subtiri si salata romana taiata marunt.
Adaugam uleiul si otetul si eventual sare, daca mai este nevoie.
Lasam salata la odihnit timp de o ora, apoi o servim alaturi de felul principal preferat.
Detaliile video ale retetei:
Daca v-a placut (Cea mai buna) Salata de varza rosie va invit sa incercati si:
English version
(Best) Red Cabbage Salad
Are you looking for a simple, crispy recipe with a slightly sour dressing? (The best) red cabbage salad is made with simple, nutrient-rich ingredients. It is perfect for any occasion. Make it as a side dish to your steak for a picnic and everyone will be inspired by the sweet-sour taste of this salad.
The preparation method is very simple. Clean the vegetables and wash them.
Cut the cabbage with a sharp knife. Sprinkle it with salt and knead it lightly by hand. Add the carrot cut into thin strips and the finely chopped romaine lettuce.
Add the oil and vinegar and possibly salt, if needed.
Let the salad rest for an hour, then serve it with your favorite main course.
If you liked (The best) red cabbage salad, I invite you to try a Classic Red Cabbage Salad, a Salad with marinated mushrooms or a Crushed Cucumbers, Sumac, Radishes and Onions Salad.
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