La recomandarea Rominei, gazda noastra de la Atmosfere Bed & Breakfast, am ales sa luam cina la Osteria alla Ghiacciaia – in Udine din 1923.

Initial, Osteria alla Ghiacciaia se afla langa fostul spital al orasului (acum Tribunalul din Udine) si, dupa cum sugereaza si numele, era o locatie intrebuintata ca depozit frigorific si crama, dar si ca loc de intalnire pentru iredentisti.

Cand managerul a decis sa-si schimbe afacerea in locatia actuala, locul nu a mai fost niciodata folosit ca depozit frigorific, ci mai degraba ca o taverna cu cazare, unde iredentistii si-au mutat intalnirile, continuand insa sa-l numeasca Ghiacciaia (Cutia de gheata).

Nu exista referinte care sa marturiseasca data exacta a transferului: se presupune ca acesta a avut loc in anii tulburi ai Primului Razboi Mondial.

Inainte ca structura, datand din prima jumatate a secolului al XIX-lea, sa fie folosita ca si taverna cu cazare, se presupune ca a fost folosita ca depozit militar; in urma identificarii in cartea funciara de la acea vreme (de altfel foarte precisa in indicarea destinatiei), la folosirea fiecarei camere nu era nicio nota.

O dovada pentru grija in alegerea ingredientelor este colaborarea cu alti producatori locali, care impartasesc angajamentul gazdelor fata de calitate. Fiecare reteta este un imn catre traditie, o imbratisare calda a culturii friulene.

Am amestecat putin recomandarile din meniu, in sensul ca am comandat oaresicum incrucisat, o salata Panzanella si o portie de Sarde nostrane in saor.

Am continuat cu Tagliolini artigianali al San Daniele (con panna e semi di papavero) si Trofie al pesto fatto in casa; tot de casa a fost si vinul alb ales pentru aceasta cina.

Am incheiat cu un Dolce senzational: Torroncino semifredo al caffe.

In Osteria alla Ghiacciaia, mancarea nu este doar o experienta, ci o calatorie gastronomica in inima Friuli, o legatura cu pamantul si istoria care va va lasa o amintire de nesters.

Daca v-a placut articolul Osteria alla Ghiacciaia – in Udine din 1923, va invit sa incercati si:

English version
Osteria alla Ghiacciaia – In Udine Since 1923
At the recommendation of Romina, our host from Atmosfere Bed & Breakfast, we chose to have dinner at Osteria alla Ghiacciaia – in Udine since 1923.
Initially, Osteria alla Ghiacciaia was located near the former hospital of the city (now the Court of Udine) and, as the name suggests, it was a location used as a cold store and wine cellar, but also as a meeting place for irredentists.
When the manager decided to move his business to the current location, the place was never used as a cold storage, but rather as a tavern with accommodation, where the irredentists moved their meetings, but continued to call it the Ice Box ice).
There are no references to confirm the exact date of the transfer: it is assumed that it took place during the troubled years of the First World War.
Before the structure, dating from the first half of the 19th century, was used as a tavern with accommodation, it is assumed that it was used as a military warehouse; following the identification in the land book from that time (by the way, very precise in indicating the destination), there was no note for the use of each room.
A proof of the care in the choice of ingredients is the collaboration with other local producers, who share the hosts’ commitment to quality. Each recipe is a hymn to tradition, a warm embrace of Friulian culture.
I mixed up the recommendations on the menu a little, in the sense that I ordered a cross order, a Panzanella salad and a portion of Nostrane sardines in saor.
We continued with Tagliolini artigianali al San Daniele (con panna e semi di papavero) and Trofie al pesto fatto in casa; the white wine chosen for this dinner was also homemade.
We ended with a sensational Dolce: Torroncino semifredo al caffe.
In Osteria alla Ghiacciaia, food is not just an experience, but a gastronomic journey in the heart of Friuli, a connection with the land and history that will leave you with an indelible memory.
If you liked the article Osteria alla Ghiacciaia – in Udine since 1923, I invite you to try Primo – Atelier della pasta, Maison Samaran Menton or Caffè Monte Baldo – Tartine si vin de la 1909.
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