Camere cu pereti finisati care aduc aminte de casa bunicilor, corpuri de iluminat din sticle de vin, doage si cercuri de butoi, tablouri cu vorbe de duh despre vin, mobilier simplu, antichizat, iata in cateva cuvinte descrierea Conacului din Ceptura – oaza de pace si liniste in inima unuia dintre cele mai frumoase domenii viticole din Romania. Gazda primitoare si calduroasa, Vinalia – Conacul din Ceptura si-a deschis zilele trecute portile pentru o noua editie de workshop marca #AmintiriGustoase, ospat culinar cu bucate neaose pentru pasionatii de bucatareala si bun gust.
De fapt cei de la Vinalia sunt cunostinte mai vechi, prima noastra intalnire datand din august 2021, cand impreuna cu niste prieteni, am avut placerea sa ne bucuram de toate facilitatile conacului: cazarea in camerele cochete cu bai cu vedere in incapere, piscina exterioara, restaurant, wine bar, sauna, biliard dar si de unele din cele mai reusite vinuri!
Conacul are un total de 22 de camere a caror design continua povestea vinului produs de Crama construita de la zero.
Dar parca mai reusita a fost reintalnirea, in aceste zile de toamna tarzie si rece, cand la Conac au poposit participantii la evenimentul organizat de Amintiri Gustoase, Chefi si pasionati de bucatareala deopotriva, ale caror preparate s-au completat perfect cu personalitatea puternica a vinurilor Vinalia.
Festinul culinar a fost intregit de un porc rotisat in tihna peste ciubarul cu jar, care inainte de a acompania o varza coapta pe gratar, unsa cu miere, usturoi si mustar si crocant picant cu nuca, sos de vin cu struguri, s-a odihnit pret de trei zile intr-un bait pentru un gust desavarsit.
Mobilizarea si serviabilitatea gazdelor au contribuit pe deplin la reusita evenimentului completat de un tur al cramei si prezentarea procesului de vinificatie, urmate de o oprire in sala de degustare unde am savurat sortimente de vin acompaniate de platouri cu branzeturi maturate, fructe proaspete si confiate si paine aromatizata.
Si cine putea sa spuna mai bine aceste povesti ale calatoriei strugurilor in drumul lor catre cel mai bun vin, nimeni altul decat sufletul acestei afaceri, antreprenorul Tiberiu Bardan, un pasionat de masini si licori bahice deopotriva, o gazda calda si faina care a fost tot timpul in mijlocul invitatilor si alaturi de ei.
As lasa cateva cuvinte si despre vinurile degustate in crama cat si pe tot parcursul evenimentului insa gasesc ca este mai potrivit sa va indemn sa le incercati prin achizitia la preturi de producator de la locatie sau din wineshop-ul electronic. Va asigur, nu veti regreta.
Dupa cum se stie, vinul cel bun se serveste cu mancare gustoasa si cu oameni dragi la masa iar aici, la Ceptura, toate au fost la superlativ. Sunt multe note de 10 care ar trebui impartite in urma evenimentului, insa cu siguranta una dintre ele apartine gazdelor. Asadar, Vinalia – Conacul din Ceptura, nota 10 (zece), cu felicitari!
English version
Vinalia – Manor from Ceptura
Rooms with finished walls reminiscent of the grandparents’ house, lighting fixtures made of wine bottles, staves and barrel rings, paintings with witty sayings about wine, simple, antique furniture, here is the description of the Ceptura Mansion in a few words – an oasis of silence and peace in the heart of one of the most beautiful wine domains in Romania. Welcoming and warm host, Conacul opened its doors the other day for a new edition of the #AmintiriGustoase brand workshop, a culinary feast with delicious dishes for those passionate about cooking and good taste.
In fact, those from Vinalia are older acquaintances, our first meeting dating back to August 2021, when together with some friends, we had the pleasure of enjoying all the facilities of the mansion: accommodation in elegant rooms with bathrooms overlooking the interior, outdoor pool, restaurant, wine bar, sauna, billiards, but also some of the best wines!
The mansion has a total of 22 rooms whose design continues the story of the wine produced by the Winery built from scratch.
But it seems that the reunion was more successful, in these late and cold autumn days, when the participants of the event organized by Amintiri Gustoase, Chefs and cooking enthusiasts alike, stopped at the Manor, whose dishes were perfectly complemented by the strong personality of the wines Vinalia.
The culinary feast was completed by a pig quietly roasted over the embers, which before accompanying a grilled cabbage, smeared with honey, garlic and mustard and spicy crunchy with walnut, wine sauce with grapes, rested for three days in a cellar for a perfect taste.
The mobilization and helpfulness of the hosts fully contributed to the success of the event completed by a tour of the winery and the presentation of the winemaking process, followed by a stop in the tasting room where we enjoyed wine assortments accompanied by platters of ripened cheeses, fresh and candied fruit and bread flavored.
And who could better tell these stories of the journey of the grapes on their way to the best wine, none other than the soul of this business, the entrepreneur Tiberiu Bardan, a car enthusiast and Bacchus liquors alike, a warm and welcoming host who was all the time among the guests and with them.
I would leave a few words about the wines tasted in the winery as well as throughout the event, but I find it more appropriate to urge you to try them by purchasing them at producer prices from the location or from the electronic wineshop. I assure you, you will not regret it.
As is known, the best wine is served with tasty food and with dear people at the table and here, at Ceptura, everything was superlative. There are many marks of 10 that should be distributed after the event, but certainly one of them belongs to the hosts. So, Vinalia – Conacul din Ceptura, grade 10 (ten), congratulations!
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