Oua Benedict & English Muffins o sincronizare perfecta de gusturi si arome pentru o dimineata de weekend. Prosciutto crudo si / sau somon afumat (dupa gust si dupa plac), oua perfect posate, chifle crocante si sos olandez cald si cremos executate cu maiestrie. Asadar, nu este de mirare ca acest preparat este mai usor de servit in oras. Dar trebuie sa ma credeti … merita sa faceti cateva jonglerii prin bucatarie si sa va dati peste cap pentru acest mic dejun absolut perfect!
Pentru English Muffins / For the English Muffins
(pentru 8 bucati / for 8 servings)
- 400 grame faina / 400 grams flour
- 20 grame drojdie proaspata / 20 grams fresh yeast
- 80 ml apa calda / 80 ml warm water
- 180 ml lapte cald / 180 ml warm milk
- 1 lingurita zahar / 1 teaspoon sugar
- 1 lingurita sare / 1 teaspoon salt
- 40 grame unt / 40 grams butter
- 2 linguri gris / 2 tablespoons semolina
Pentru Oua Benedict / For Benedict Eggs
(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)
- 4 oua / 4 eggs
- 80 grame unt / 80 grams butter
- 15 ml apa / 15 ml water
- 1 lingurita suc de lamaie / 1 teaspoon lemon juice
- 1 galbenus / 1 egg yolk
- 1/4 lingurita sare / 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 2 felii prosciutto crudo / 2 prosciutto crudo slices
- 2 felii de somon afumat / 2 smoked salmon slices
Intr-un bol amestecam laptele cu apa, zaharul si drojdia. Lasam amestecul la dospit timp de 10 minute, apoi adaugam faina si sarea, untul la temperatura camerei si framantam pana obtinem un aluat omogen.
Ungem un castron cu putin ulei de masline, modelam aluatul sub forma de bila, acoperim cu un prosop si lasam la dospit timp de 60 – 90 de minute, pana cand isi dubleaza volumul.
Rasturnam aluatul dospit pe un blat de lemn infainat si il taiem in 8 bucati egale, pe care le presaram cu gris si le modelam apoi sub forma de sfere. Le aplatizam usor cu palma si le mai lasam la dospit 30 de minute acoperite cu un prosop.
La expirarea timpului incingem o tigaie si prajim briosele sub capac, la foc mic spre mediu, timp de 3 minute pe fiecare parte. Mutam briosele pe o tava acoperita cu hartie de copt si le introducem in cuptorul incins pentru 10 minute, pana cand sunt frumos rumenite.
Pentru aceasta reteta vom avea nevoie doar de 4 briose, insa pe restul le vom pastra si le putem servi a doua zi.
Pentru sosul olandez, eu am ales sa folosesc Thermomixul, insa il putem pregati si in varianta traditionala. Topim untul si apoi adaugam intr-un bol galbenusul, sucul de lamaie si sarea si le incalzim la bain-marie. Cand amestecul este cald, adauga untul in fir subtire, mixand in continuu, pana obtinem o crema consistenta.
Intre timp pregatim ouale posate, urmand pasii descrisi aici.
Taiem English Muffins pe jumatate, adaugam pe o parte o felie de prosciutto si pe a doua parte somon afumat, cate un ou posat, sos olandez si felii subtiri de ceapa verde.
Servim Ouale Benedict cu English Muffins alaturi de salata verde cu ridichi si ceapa verde si evident, cu multa pofta.
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English version
Eggs Benedict & English Muffins
Eggs Benedict & English Muffins a perfect synchronization of tastes and flavors for a weekend morning. Prosciutto and / or smoked salmon (to taste and to your liking), perfectly poached eggs, crispy muffins and warm and creamy hollandaise sauce expertly executed. Therefore, it is not surprising that this dish is easier to serve in the restaurant. But you have to believe me … it’s worth doing a few juggles around the kitchen and messing around for this absolutely perfect breakfast!
In a bowl, mix milk with water, sugar and yeast. Leave the mixture to rise for 10 minutes, then add flour and salt, butter at room temperature and knead until a homogeneous dough is obtained.
Grease a bowl with a little olive oil, shape the dough into a ball, cover with a towel and let the dough rise for 60-90 minutes, until it doubles in size.
Pour the leavened dough onto a floured wooden surface and cut it into 8 equal pieces, sprinkle them with semolina and then shape them into spheres. Flatten them gently with the palm of your hand and leave them to rise for another 30 minutes covered with a towel.
At the end of the time, heat a pan and fry the muffins under the lid, on low to medium heat, for 3 minutes on each side. Move the muffins on a tray covered with baking paper and put them in the hot oven for 10 minutes, until they are nicely browned.
For this recipe we will only need 4 muffins, but we will keep the rest and can serve them the next day.
For the hollandaise sauce, I chose to use the Thermomix, but we can also prepare it in the traditional version. Melt the butter and then add the yolk, lemon juice and salt to a bowl and heat them in a bain-marie. When the mixture is warm, add the butter in a thin thread, mixing continuously, until we get a consistent cream.
In the meantime, prepare the poached eggs, following the steps described here.
Cut English Muffins in half, add on one side a slice of prosciutto and on the other side smoked salmon, a poached egg each, hollandaise sauce and thin slices of green onion.
We serve Eggs Benedict with English Muffins alongside green salad with radishes and green onions and obviously, with great appetite.
If you liked the Eggs Benedict & English Muffins recipe, I recommend you also try English Muffins Breakfast, Toast Caprese with Poached Eggs or Morning Burger.
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