Pofta de aripioare? Da! Dar ce spuneti sa incercam cateva aripioare la cuptor in stil mexican! Usor picante, perfect marinate, servite cu un sos ranch proaspat si cartofi copti, vor fi cu siguranta, pe placul tuturor.

Pentru aripioare la cuptor / For baked wings:
- 20 bucati aripioare de pui / 20 pieces chicken wings
- 2 linguri pasta de ardei / 2 tablespoons pepper sauce
- 1 lingura mustar / 1 tablespoon mustard
- 1 lingurita pudra de usturoi / 1 teaspoon garlic powder
- 1 lingurita oregano / 1 teaspoon oregano
- 1 lingurita cimbru / 1 teaspoon thyme
- 1/2 lingurita tabasco / 1/2 teaspoon tabasco
- 1 lingurita fulgi de ceapa uscata / 1 teaspoon dried onion flakes
- 2 linguri ulei de masline / 2 tablespoons olive oil
- Sare / Salt
- Piper / Pepper
Pentru sosul ranch / For the ranch sauce:
- 2 linguri maioneza / 2 tablespoons mayo
- 2 linguri smantana / 2 tablespoons sour cream
- 1 lingura mustar / 1 tablespoon mustard
- 2 linguri suc de lamaie / 2 tablespoons lemon juice
- 1 ceapa verde / 1 green onion
- 2 catei de usturoi / 2 garlic cloves
- 1 lingura patrunjel verde / 1 tablespoons parsley
- Sare / Salt

Intr-un bol amestecam pasta de ardei, cu mustar, pudra de usturoi, fulgii de ceapa uscata, oregano, tabasco, cimbru, sare, piper si ulei de masline. Adaugam aripioarele si amestecam bine. Lasam la marinat minim 3 – 4 ore la frigider.
Cu o ora inainte de a le prepara, scoatem aripioarele din frigider pentru a ajunge la temperatura camerei. Le asezam apoi pe o tava cu gratar sau intr-o tava obisnuita pe hartie de copt. Le coacem timp 30 de minute pe fiecare parte la 170 grade Celsius.
Intre timp, pregatim sosul de verdeturi amestecand maioneza cu smantana, mustar, sare, suc de lamaie, ceapa verde taiata marunt, usturoiul zdrobit si patrunjelul taiat fin.
Detalii video:
Servim aripioarele cu cartofi prajiti la Actifry cu o singura lingura de ulei sau copti in cuptor, alaturi de sos ranch, sos salsa, ardei iute si neaparat, felii de lime.

Daca v-a placut reteta de aripioare la cuptor in stil mexican, puteti incerca de asemenea si o portie de aripioare delicioase la “galeata”, cativa tacos colorati sau o portie generoasa de barbacoa mexicana.
English version
Baked wings – mexican style
In the mood for wings? Yes! But how about trying a few Mexican-style baked wings! Slightly spicy, perfectly marinated, served with a fresh sauce of greens and baked potatoes, they will surely be to everyone’s liking.
In a bowl, mix the pepper paste with mustard, garlic powder, dried onion flakes, oregano, tabasco, thyme, salt, pepper and olive oil. Add the wings and mix well. Leave to marinate for at least 3-4 hours in the refrigerator.
One hour before preparing them, take the wings out of the fridge to reach room temperature. Then place them on a tray with a grill or in a regular tray with baking paper. Bake them for 30 minutes on each side at 170 degrees Celsius.
Meanwhile, prepare the green sauce by mixing mayonnaise with sour cream, mustard, salt, lemon juice, finely chopped green onions, crushed garlic and finely chopped parsley.
Serve the wings with baked fries at Actifry with one tablespoon of oil or baked in the oven, along with mayonnaise sauce, salsa sauce, hot peppers and mandatory, lime slices.
If you liked the recipe for Mexican wings, you can also try a portion of delicious “bucked” wings, some colorful tacos or a generous portion of Mexican barbacoa.
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