Ce ziceti de niste tacos? Tortilla crocanta de porumb, umpluta cu carne de vita si servita cu sosuri mexicane usor picante. Eu am incercat doua variante. Celebrele tacos cu carne de vita tocata, pico de gallo si branza si, de ce nu, tacos cu carne asada, un steak perfect de vita marinat cu usturoi si condimente mexicane.

Incercati sa pregatiti condimentul mexican acasa. Este foarte usor de facut si deosebit de gustos.

(pentru 4 persoane / for 4 servings)
- 500 grame muschi de vita / 500 grams veal tenderloin
- 2 linguri pasta de tomate / 2 tablespoons tomato sauce
- 200 grame rosii cherry / 200 grams cherry tomatoes
- 1 ceapa rosie / 1 red onion
- 1 avocado / 1 avocado
- 3 catei de usturoi / 3 garlic cloves
- 1 lingura patrunjel verde / 1 tablespoon parsley
- 1/2 ardei Jalapeno / 1/2 Jalapeno
- Salata verde / Lettuce
- Ulei de masline / Olive oil
- Condiment mexican / Mexican spices
- 12 tortilla de tacos / 12 tacos shells
- 50 grame cascaval / 50 grams hard cheese
- 3 linguri smantana / 3 tablespoons sour cream
- 1 porumb / 1 corn
- 1 lime / 1 lime
ingrediente condiment mexican:
- 2 lingurite boia dulce / 2 teaspoon sweet paprika
- 1 lingurita ardei iuti uscati / 1 teaspoon dried hot pepper
- 2 lingurite oregano / 2 teaspoons oregano
- 2 lingurite pudra de usturoi / 2 teaspoons garlic powder
- 1 lingurita chimen / 1 teaspoon cumin

Pentru condimentul mexican, amestecam toate ingredientele si le mixam cu ajutorul unei rasnite pentru cafea. Recomandarea mea este sa faceti 2 portii pe care sa le pastrati intr-un borcanel cu capac.

Taiem din muschiul de vita, felii groase de 1.5 cm pe care le presaram cu sare mare si le lasam la temperatura camerei timp de 2 ore. Incingem tigaia grill si prajim muschiul cate 1.5 minute pe fiecare parte. Intr-un bol pregatim o marinata din 1 catel de usturoi, 1 lingura ulei de masline si 1 lingurita condiment mexican. Scoatem carnea in acest sos si acoperim bolul cu o folie de aluminiu. Lasam la odihnit 10 minute pe fiecare parte, apoi taiem friptura in cubulete mici.
Restul muschiului de vita il tocam si il prajim usor cu 2 linguri de ulei de masline, sare si 1 lingurita de condiment mexican. Dupa 5 minute adaugam pasta de tomate si continuam sa prajim inca 5 minute amestecand constant.
Pentru pico de gallo, amestecam intr-un bol: rosiile taiate cubulete, o jumatate de ceapa rosie tocata marunt, patrunjel verde, ardeiul jalapeno taiat marunt, 1 catel de usturoi, sare, ulei de masline si sucul de la 1/4 lime.
Pentru guacamole amestecam 3/4 din avocado, cu 1/4 ceapa rosie taiata marunt, 1 catel de usturoi, sucul de la 1/2 lime, sare si 2 linguri ulei de masline. Maruntim totul cu ajutorul unei furculite. Restul de avocado il taiem cubulete si il pastram alaturi de 1/4 ceapa rosie taiata marunt.
Pentru asamblarea tacos-ului cu steak de vita: luam cate o tortilla de taco, punem cubulete de avocado, cubulete de steak si ceapa rosie. Pentru al doilea model, luam fiecare tortilla de taco si punem carne tocata, salata verde, pico de gallo, smantana si cascaval ras.
Reteta video:
Servim cele 2 modele de tacos cu guacamole, pico de gallo, smantana, porumb si extra jalapeno pentru o tenta picanta.

English version
How about some tacos? Crispy corn tortilla, stuffed with beef and served with spicy Mexican sauces. I tried two options. The famous tacos with minced beef, pico de gallo and cheese and why not, tacos with carne asada, a perfect beef steak marinated with garlic and Mexican spices.
Try to prepare the Mexican spice at home. It is very easy to make and very tasty.
For the Mexican spice, mix all the ingredients and mix them with a coffee grinder. My recommendation is to make 2 servings to keep in a jar with a lid.
Cut from the veal tenderloin in 1.5 cm thick slices and sprinkle with salt and leave them at room temperature for 2 hours. Heat the grill pan and fry the tenderloin for 1.5 minutes on each side. In a bowl, prepare a marinade of 1 clove of garlic, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of Mexican spice. Remove the meat in this sauce and cover the bowl with aluminum foil. Let it rest for 10 minutes on each side, then cut the steak into small cubes.
Chop the rest of the beef and lightly fry it with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, salt and 1 teaspoon of Mexican spice. After 5 minutes add the tomato paste and continue to fry for another 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
For the pico de gallo, mix in a bowl: diced tomatoes, half a finely chopped red onion, green parsley, finely chopped jalapeno pepper, 1 clove of garlic, salt, olive oil and the juice of 1/4 lime.
For guacamole, mix 3/4 of the avocado, with 1/4 finely chopped red onion, 1 clove of garlic, the juice of 1/4 lime, salt and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Grind everything with a fork. Cut the rest of the avocado into cubes and keep it with 1/4 finely chopped red onion.
To assemble the tacos with beef steak: take a taco tortilla, put avocado cubes, steak cubes and red onions. For the second model, take each taco tortilla and add minced meat, lettuce, pico de gallo, sour cream and grated cheese.
Serve the 2 modes of tacos with guacamole, pico de gallo, sour cream, corn and extra jalapeno for a spicy touch.
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