Beef Wellington este una dintre cele mai elegante si sofisticate retete din bucataria internationala, un preparat care imbina textura frageda a muschiului de vita cu aromele complexe ale ciupercilor, prosciutto-ului si aluatului de foietaj. Cu o prezentare spectaculoasa si un gust desavarsit, aceasta reteta reprezinta alegerea perfecta pentru ocazii speciale sau mese festive. Desi procesul de preparare poate parea complex, cu putina atentie la detalii si respectand pasii corecti, veti obtine un preparat demn de un restaurant de lux. Ingrediente simple, dar de calitate, combinate cu tehnici bine gandite, contribuie la crearea unei experiente gastronomice memorabile.
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INGREDIENTE (pentru 4 portii)
- 1 kg muschi de vita
- 500 grame ciuperci
- 100 grame unt
- 6 catei de usturoi
- 1 lingurita cimbru
- 12 felii prosciutto crudo
- 400 grame aluat foietaj
- 1 ou
- Sare
- Piper
Muschiul de vita se asezoneaza generos cu sare si piper, apoi se lasa sa ajunga la temperatura camerei timp de doua ore. Se incinge o tigaie tip grill, iar muschiul se gateste cate 4 minute pe fiecare parte, pentru un total de 16 minute, urmat de 2 minute pe fiecare capat pentru o sigilare uniforma. Dupa gatire, se lasa sa se raceasca, apoi se unge cu 50 de grame de unt moale, la temperatura camerei.
Ciupercile se curata si se maruntesc folosind un blender. Intr-o tigaie, se topeste 50 de grame de unt, dupa care se adauga usturoiul tocat fin, ciupercile maruntite, sare, piper si cimbru. Compozitia se gateste la foc mare, pana cand tot lichidul s-a evaporat complet, obtinand o consistenta uscata si aromata.
Pe o folie alimentara se asaza feliile de prosciutto, peste care se distribuie uniform amestecul de ciuperci racit. Deasupra se plaseaza muschiul de vita, iar intreaga compozitie se ruleaza strans in folie alimentara, pentru a-si pastra forma. Preparatul se lasa la rece timp de o ora.
Ulterior, rulada de vita invelita in prosciutto si ciuperci se acopera cu un strat de aluat de foietaj, dupa care se pune din nou la rece pentru 2-3 ore. Inainte de coacere, aluatul se unge cu ou batut si se cresteaza delicat cu un cutit bine ascutit. Se presara sare grunjoasa deasupra si se introduce in cuptorul preincalzit la 180°C, unde se coace timp de 20-25 de minute, pana capata o crusta aurie si crocanta.
Beef Wellington se serveste alaturi de o salata verde proaspata si cartofi gratinati, pentru un acompaniament savuros.
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English version
Beef Wellington
Beef Wellington is a masterpiece that perfectly combines the tender texture of beef fillet with the complex flavors of mushrooms, prosciutto, and puff pastry. With its spectacular presentation and exquisite taste, this recipe is the ideal choice for special occasions or festive meals. Although the preparation process might seem intricate, with attention to detail and adherence to the proper steps, you can achieve a dish worthy of a fine dining restaurant. Simple yet high-quality ingredients, paired with carefully thought-out techniques, create a truly memorable gastronomic experience.
INGREDIENTS (for 4 servings)
- 1 kg beef fillet
- 500 grams mushrooms
- 100 grams butter
- 6 garlic cloves
- 1 teaspoon thyme
- 12 slices prosciutto crudo
- 400 grams puff pastry
- 1 egg
- Salt
- Pepper
Generously season the beef fillet with salt and pepper, then let it rest at room temperature for two hours. Heat a grill pan and sear the beef for 4 minutes on each side, for a total of 16 minutes, followed by 2 minutes on each end for an even seal. After cooking, allow the meat to cool, then coat it with 50 grams of softened butter.
Clean the mushrooms and finely chop them using a blender. In a skillet, melt 50 grams of butter, then add finely chopped garlic, minced mushrooms, salt, pepper, and thyme. Cook the mixture over high heat until all the liquid has evaporated, resulting in a dry, flavorful texture.
On a sheet of plastic wrap, arrange the prosciutto slices, then spread the cooled mushroom mixture evenly on top. Place the beef fillet in the center, and tightly roll everything together using the plastic wrap to maintain its shape. Refrigerate the roll for one hour.
Next, wrap the prosciutto-and-mushroom-coated beef in a layer of puff pastry, then refrigerate for another 2-3 hours. Before baking, brush the pastry with beaten egg and lightly score it with a sharp knife. Sprinkle coarse salt on top and bake in a preheated oven at 180°C (356°F) for 20-25 minutes, until the pastry is golden and crisp.
Serve the Beef Wellington alongside a fresh green salad and gratin potatoes for a flavorful and elegant meal.
If you enjoyed this Beef Wellington recipe, I invite you to try these as well Tortillas with Beef Loin and Mashed Beans, Veal ribs with caramelized quince sauce and horseradish or Veal Stew with Baguette Gratin.
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