Descopera fuziunea culinara care te va face sa exclami „Ole!” si „Noroc!” in aceeasi propozitie. Lipii cu muschi de vita si piure de fasole, un festin romano-mexican ca o petrecere in farfurie, unde fiecare muscatura este o serenada de arome, de la dulceata rosiilor uscate pana la tangoul picant al cepei rosii caramelizate. Este o opera de arta culinara care imbina traditia cu inovatia, perfecta pentru a impresiona chiar si cel mai exigent sombrero sau ie romaneasca. Pregateste-te sa fii chef-ul maestro al unei simfonii de gusturi care va rasuna in aplauze la cina!
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INGREDIENTE (pentru 2 portii)
Pentru muschiul de vita:
- 250 grame mușchi de vita
- 2 catei de usturoi
- 50 ml ulei de masline
- Sare
Pentru piureul de fasole:
- 240 grame fasole alba din conserva
- 20 grame ulei de masline
- 1 catel de usturoi
- 1 lingura suc de lamaie
- 1/2 lingurita cimbru
- Sare
- Piper
Pentru topping:
- 100 grame ceapa rosie
- 20 grame ulei de masline
- 50 grame rosii uscate
- 50 grame gogosar murat
- 1 lingura otet balsamic
- 1 lingurita miere
- Sare
- 2 tortillas de porumb
Pentru a pregati muschiul de vita, acesta se taie in felii groase de 3 cm. Uleiul de masline si usturoiul se mixeaza intr-un blender. Muschiul de vita se usuca bine cu un servet absorbant, se presara cu sare si se maseaza cu amestecul de ulei. Se lasa la marinat in frigider timp de 4 ore.
Dupa marinare, se incinge o tigaie grill si se prajeste carnea timp de 3 – 4 minute pe fiecare parte, in functie de preferinte. Cand carnea este gata, se scoate pe o farfurie, se acopera cu folie de aluminiu si se lasa sa se odihneasca timp de 10 minute, apoi se taie in felii subtiri.
Pentru piureul de fasole, se adauga in blender fasolea clatita si scursa, uleiul de masline, usturoiul, sucul de lamaie, cimbrul, sarea si piperul, si se mixeaza pana se obtine o crema fina.
Pentru toppingul de rosii si gogosar, se pune ceapa rosie, sarea si uleiul intr-un blender si se toaca marunt, apoi se soteaza timp de 5 minute, amestecand ocazional si adaugand putina apa daca este necesar. Se adauga rosiile tocate marunt, gogosarul taiat in felii subtiri, mierea si otetul balsamic si se amesteca. Se lasa sa se raceasca.
Se incalzesc lipiile si se adauga piureul de fasole, toppingul de rosii si gogosar si feliile de muschi de vita.
Se presara cu cimbru si se serveste cu multa pofta.
Detaliile video ale retetei:
Daca v-a placut reteta de Lipii cu muschi de vita si piure de fasole, va invit sa incercati si:
English version
Tortillas with Beef Loin and Mashed Beans
Discover the culinary fusion that will make you exclaim „Ole!” and Noroc!” in the same sentence. Tortillas with beef tenderloin and mashed beans, a Romanian – Mexican feast like a party on a plate, where every bite is a serenade of flavors, from the sweetness of dried tomatoes to the spicy tango of caramelized red onions. It is a work of culinary art that combines tradition with innovation, perfect to impress even the most demanding Romanian sombrero or romanian blouse. Get ready to be the master chef of a symphony of tastes that will resound with applause at dinner!
INGREDIENTS (for 2 servings)
For the beef:
- 250 grams beef loin
- 2 cloves garlic
- 50 ml olive oil
- Salt
For the mashed beans:
- 240 grams canned white beans
- 20 grams olive oil
- 1 clove garlic
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 1/2 teaspoon thyme
- Salt
- Pepper
For the topping:
- 100 grams red onion
- 20 grams olive oil
- 50 grams dried tomatoes
- 50 grams pickled red pepper
- 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
- 1 teaspoon of honey
- Salt
To serve:
- 2 corn tortillas
To prepare the beef, cut it into 3 cm thick slices. Olive oil and garlic are mixed in a blender. Dry the beef well with an absorbent napkin, sprinkle with salt and massage with the oil mixture. Leave to marinate in the refrigerator for 4 hours.
After marinating, heat a grill pan and fry the meat for 3-4 minutes on each side, depending on your preferences. When the meat is ready, take it out on a plate, cover it with aluminum foil and let it rest for 10 minutes, then cut it into thin slices.
For the bean puree, add the rinsed and drained beans, olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, thyme, salt and pepper to the blender, and blend until a fine cream is obtained.
For the tomato and pickled pepper topping, put the red onion, salt and oil in a blender and chop finely, then saute for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally and adding a little water if necessary. Add the finely chopped tomatoes, red pepper cut into thin slices, honey and balsamic vinegar and mix. Let it cool down.
Heat the tortillas and add the bean puree, the tomato and donut topping and the slices of beef.
Sprinkle with thyme and serve with relish.
If you liked the Tortillas with Beef Loin and Mashed Beans, I invite you to try it as well Veal Tenderloin & Shrimps, Hummus & Veal or Chinese Veal.
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