Breakfast club


Breakfast club este combinatia ideala dintre un mic dejun si celebrul sandwich club. Un “double decker” caruia ii adaugam o omleta, va fi cu siguranta un bun start pentru o zi de weekend.

Breakfast club


(pentru 1 portie / for 1 serving)

  • 2 felii de paine toast / 2 toast bread
  • 2 oua / 2 eggs
  • 4 felii de branza / 4 cheese slices
  • 4 felii bacon / 4 bacon slices
  • 1/2 avocado / 1/2 avocado
  • 2 felii de rosii / 2 tomato slices
  • Oregano / Oregano
  • Fulgi de chilli / Chilli flakes
  • Sare / Salt
  • 1 lingurita ulei de masline / 1 teaspoon olive oil
Breakfast club

Ungem o tigaie cu putin ulei de masline si adaugam 2 felii de branza. Dupa cateva secunde, turnam ouale batute. Lasam sa se inchege usor, apoi punem feliile de paine prajita. Presaram sare, oregano, fulgi de chilli si intoarcem omleta. Pe una dintre feliile de paine punem rosiile si pe a doua felie baconul si avocado. Acoperim cu celelalte 2 felii de branza, mai presaram putin chilli si impaturim omleta, adunand marginile omletei peste paine si aducand feliile de paine una peste alta.

Breakfast club

Taiem sandvich-ul in doua pe diagonala si servim cu ketchup de casa.

Breakfast club

Pentru a intelege mai bine modul de preparare gasiti un video aici.

Breakfast club

Daca v-a placut reteta Breakfast club, va recomand sa incercati si un club sandwich sau un bagels inspirat.

English version

Breakfast club

Breakfast club is the ideal combination between a breakfast and the famous sandwich club. A „double decker” with omelet, will definitely be a good start for a weekend.

Grease a pan with olive oil and add 2 slices of cheese. After a few seconds, pour the beaten eggs. Let it cook lightly, then put the slices of toast. Sprinkle with salt, oregano, chilli flakes and turn the omelet. On one of the slices of bread put the tomatoes and on the second slice, bacon and avocado. Cover with the other 2 slices of cheese, sprinkle few chilli flakes and fold the omelette, gathering the edges of the omelette over the bread and bringing the slices of bread on top of each other.

Cut the sandwich in half diagonally and serve with homemade ketchup.

To better understand how to prepare, find a video here.

If you liked the Breakfast club recipe, I recommend you try a sandwich club or inspired bagels.


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