Bulz ardelenesc, gustul autentic al traditiei romanesti!Descopera reteta de bulz ardelenesc, un preparat traditional romanesc care imbina simplitatea ingredientelor cu savoarea inconfundabila a casului de oaie. Ideal pentru o masa reconfortanta, acest preparat rustic este usor de pregatit si perfect de servit alaturi de un kefir proaspat de la artizanii laptelui, Artesana. Fie ca vrei sa aduci un strop de traditie in meniul tau zilnic sau sa impresionezi cu o reteta autentica, bulzul ardelenesc este alegerea perfecta.
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INGREDIENTE (pentru 4 portii)
- 1000 ml apa
- 1 lingurita sare
- 400 grame malai
- 300 grame cas de oaie ras
- Kefir pentru servit
Punem apa la fiert, iar cand incepe sa clocoteasca, adaugam malaiul in ploaie si sarea. Fierbem mamaliga pana obtinem o consistenta mai ferma.
Rasturnam mamaliga intr-un bol si o impartim in patru parti egale. Pe o farfurie unsa cu foarte putin ulei, intindem fiecare sfert de mamaliga sub forma unui cerc. In centrul fiecaruia, adaugam un sfert din cantitatea de cas de oaie. Modelam compozitia sub forma de sfera, utilizand palmele umezite.
Lasam sferele sa se raceasca si sa se intareasca usor. Ungem tava Actifry sau o tava de copt cu putin ulei, asezam sferele de bulz in tava, le pulverizam usor cu ulei si le rumenim timp de 20 de minute.
Servim bulzul ardelenesc fierbinte, alaturi de cel mai bun kefir de la Artesana.
Detaliile video ale retetei:
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English version
Cheesy Polenta Balls – A Traditional Romanian Deligh
Discover the recipe for Cheesy Polenta Balls, a traditional Romanian dish that combines the simplicity of ingredients with the unmistakable flavor of sheep’s cheese. Perfect for a comforting meal, this rustic dish is easy to prepare and pairs wonderfully with fresh kefir from the milk artisans from Artesana. Whether you want to bring a touch of tradition to your daily menu or impress with an authentic recipe, Cheesy Polenta Balls is the perfect choice.
INGREDIENTS (for 4 servings)
- 1000 ml water
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 400 grams cornmeal
- 300 grams grated sheep’s cheese
- Kefir for serving
Bring the water to a boil, and when it starts to bubble, gradually add the cornmeal and salt, stirring continuously. Cook the polenta until it reaches a firm consistency.
Transfer the polenta to a bowl and divide it into four equal parts. On a plate lightly greased with oil, flatten each portion of polenta into a circular shape. Place a quarter of the sheep’s cheese in the center of each circle. Shape the mixture into a ball using damp hands.
Allow the spheres to cool and firm up slightly. Grease the Actifry tray or a baking tray with a little oil, place the polenta balls on the tray, spray them lightly with oil, and roast them for 20 minutes.
Serve the Cheesy Polenta Balls, alongside the finest kefir from Artesana.
If you enjoyed this recipe for Cheesy Polenta Balls, I invite you to try Creamy Polenta with Beer Sautéed Mushrooms, Creamy Polenta with Cheese, Fried Eggs and Bacon Chips or Fried truffles polenta with sausages.
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