Salam de biscuiti


Salam de biscuiti, un desert clasic care aduce aminte de gusturile copilariei. Usor de preparat, din ingrediente accesibile, acest desert este perfect pentru orice ocazie, fie ca vrei sa-ti rasfeti familia, fie ca ai nevoie de un preparat rapid si delicios pentru o petrecere. Cu o textura moale, aromata si un gust bogat de cacao si esenta de rom, salamul de biscuiti cucereste pe oricine.

Salam de biscuiti

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 12 portii)

  • 500 grame biscuiti populari
  • 200 grame unt
  • 100 grame zahar
  • 200 ml lapte
  • 50 grame cacao
  • 2 linguri esenta de rom
  • 50 grame zahar pudra
Salam de biscuiti

Divizam biscuitii in doua parti egale. Jumatate dintre acestia ii sfaramam grosier, iar cealalta jumatate ii macinam fin, transformandu-i in pesmet.

Intr-o craticioara adanca, adaugam zaharul, untul si laptele. Fierbem compozitia la foc mic pana cand zaharul si untul se topesc complet, formand un amestec omogen.

Salam de biscuiti

Intr-un bol generos, combinam bucatile de biscuiti cu cacao, pesmetul obtinut, esenta de rom, si turnam deasupra laptele fierbinte aromat. Amestecam bine pana obtinem o compozitie uniforma, usor de modelat. Modelam compozitia sub forma de cilindru. Pentru a asigura o forma perfecta, putem utiliza o sticla de plastic taiata longitudinal, tapetata cu folie alimentara.

Lasam preparatul la rece timp de 24 de ore. Dupa racire, rulam salamul prin zahar pudra pentru un aspect elegant si il feliem cu grija.

Salam de biscuiti

Se serveste cu placere alaturi de cei dragi, savurand momentul impreuna sau, de ce nu, sa le oferiti cadou intr-o forma festiva.

Salam de biscuiti

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English version

Biscuits Cake

Whether you want to pamper your family or need a quick and delicious treat for a party, this biscuit salami is sure to win everyone over with its soft, aromatic texture and rich flavor of cocoa and rum essence.

INGREDIENTS (for 12 servings)

  • 500 grams plain biscuits
  • 200 grams butter
  • 100 grams sugar
  • 200 ml milk
  • 50 grams cocoa powder
  • 2 tablespoons rum essence
  • 50 grams powdered sugar

Divide the biscuits into two equal parts. Crush half of them coarsely, and grind the other half finely into crumbs.

In a deep saucepan, combine the sugar, butter, and milk. Heat over low heat until the sugar and butter are fully melted, creating a smooth mixture.

In a large bowl, mix the biscuit pieces with the cocoa powder, biscuit crumbs, and rum essence. Pour the hot milk mixture over the top and stir well until you achieve a uniform, moldable consistency. Shape the mixture into a cylinder. For a perfectly shaped result, you can use a plastic bottle cut lengthwise, lined with cling film.

Let the prepared dessert chill for 24 hours. After cooling, roll the salami in powdered sugar for a polished look, then slice it carefully.

Serve with joy alongside your loved ones, savoring the sweet moment together.

If you enjoyed this biscuit salami recipe, I invite you to also try Strudel with Apples and Vanilla Ice Cream, One Pan Plum Dumplings or Kanelbullar – Swedish Cinnamon Buns.


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