Mamaliga cremoasa cu branza de burduf, ochiuri si chipsuri de bacon


Bucataria romaneasca este o incantare pentru simturi, iar mamaliga cremoasa cu branza de burduf, ochiuri si chipsuri de bacon este un exemplu perfect al acestui fapt. Acest fel de mancare traditional, cu o nota moderna, este nu doar delicios, dar si surprinzator de simplu de preparat. Iata cum poti aduce aroma autentica a Romaniei direct in bucataria ta. Mamaliga cremoasa cu branza de burduf, ochiuri si chipsuri de bacon este o alegere excelenta pentru o cina reconfortanta. Este o modalitate minunata de a te bucura de gusturile traditionale romanesti, cu un twist modern care va impresiona orice gurmand.

Mamaliga cremoasa cu burduf, ochiuri si chipsuri de bacon

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 4 portii)

  • 100 grame branza de burduf
  • 500 ml apa
  • 500 ml lapte
  • 200 grame malai cu timp scurt de fierbere
  • 1 lingurita sare
  • 60 grame unt
  • 8 oua
  • 200 grame bacon
Mamaliga cremoasa cu burduf, ochiuri si chipsuri de bacon

Intr-o oala mai adanca punem la fiert apa cu sarea. In momentul in care apa incepe sa clocoteasca, adaugam laptele si malaiul, amestecand constant pentru a preveni formarea cocoloaselor.

Cand mamaliga este fiarta adaugam untul si branza de burduf, amestecand energic pentru a obtine o consistenta cremoasa si omogena.

Mamaliga cremoasa cu burduf, ochiuri si chipsuri de bacon

In timp ce mamaliga este pe foc, prajim feliile de bacon pana devin crocante si le pastram la cald.

Servim mamaliga cremoasa in boluri, adaugand deasupra cate doua oua ochiuri si chipsurile de bacon crocante.

Mamaliga cremoasa cu burduf, ochiuri si chipsuri de bacon

Pentru a personaliza acest fel de mancare, poti adauga branza de vaci cu smantana sau alte toppinguri dupa preferinte.

Mamaliga cremoasa cu burduf, ochiuri si chipsuri de bacon

Detaliile video ale retetei:

Daca v-a placut reteta de Mamaliga cremoasa cu branza de burduf, ochiuri si chipsuri de bacon, va invit sa incercati si:

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English version

Creamy Polenta with Cheese, Fried Eggs and Bacon Chips

Romanian cuisine is a delight for the senses, and the creamy polenta with cheese, fried eggs and bacon chips is a perfect example of this fact. This traditional dish, with a modern touch, is not only delicious, but also surprisingly simple to prepare. Here’s how you can bring the authentic flavor of Romania directly into your kitchen. Creamy polenta with cheese, fried eggs and bacon chips is an excellent choice for a comforting dinner. It is a wonderful way to enjoy traditional Romanian tastes, with a modern twist that will impress any gourmet.

INGREDIENTS (for 4 servings)

  • 100 grams cheese
  • 500 ml water
  • 500 ml milk
  • 200 grams of cornflour with a short cooking time
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 60 grams butter
  • 8 eggs
  • 200 grams bacon

In a deeper pot, boil water with salt. When the water starts to boil, add the milk and the cornflour, stirring constantly to prevent the formation of lumps.

When the polenta is cooked, add the butter and the cheese, mixing energetically to obtain a creamy and homogeneous consistency.

While the polenta is cooking, fry the bacon slices until they become crispy and keep them warm.

Serve the creamy polenta in bowls, adding two poached eggs and crispy bacon chips on top.

To customize this kind of food, you can add cottage cheese with cream or other toppings according to your preferences.

If you liked the recipe for Creamy Polenta with Cheese, Fried Eggs and Bacon Chips, I invite you to try Fried truffles polenta with sausages, Creamy Polenta with Beer Sautéed Mushrooms or a Lamb Ragu with Polenta Cream.


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