Astazi ne distram impreuna cu cei mici si pregatim cadouri de ciocolata. Cu aceasta ocazie, lansam o noua sectiune a blogului, dedicata copiilor. Vom avea o noua eticheta “Mini Chef” in care veti gasi retete potrivite pentru a fi gatite impreuna cu micii bucatari.

(pentru 10 portii / for 10 servings)
- 125 grame unt / 125 grams butter
- 100 grame zahar pudra / 100 grams powder sugar
- 2 linguri cacao / 2 tablespoons cocoa
- 55 grame foi de napolitana / 55 grams wafer sheets
- 100 grame migdale / 100 grams almond
- 3 plicuri glazura de ciocolata / 3 chocolate icing packages
- Decor: bomboane, creioane colorate / Decor: candy, colored pencils

Punem intr-un bol untul aflat la temperatura camerei, zaharul si cacaoa si amestecam cu ajutorul unui mixer. Adaugam migdalele macinate si foile de napolitana sfaramate marunt si un plic de glazura de ciocolata topita conform indicatiilor de pe ambalaj. Rasturnam compozitia pe o hartie de copt asezata pe un fund de lemn si o modelam sub forma de patrat cu latura de 18 cm. Lasam la rece timp de o ora apoi se taie in patrate mici de 3×3 cm. Topim cele 2 plicuri de glazura si trecem patratele prin glazura de ciocolata.

Decoram cadourile cu ajutorul creioanelor alimentare, bomboanelor colorate si desavarsim cu praf auriu de zane 😀 (evident, special pentru produsele alimentare).

Daca v-a placut reteta de cadouri de ciocolata, puteti incerca si chocolate cookies sau o ciocolata calda cu menta.
English version
Chocolate gifts
Today we are having fun with the kids and we are preparing chocolate gifts. On this occasion, we are launching a new section of the blog, dedicated to children. We will have a new label „Mini Chef” in which you will find suitable recipes to be cooked with the little chefs.
Put in a bowl the butter at room temperature, sugar and cocoa and mix with a mixer. Add the ground almonds and finely crushed wafer sheets and a package of melted chocolate icing according to the instructions on the package. Turn the composition over on a baking paper placed on a wooden bottom and shape it into a square with a side of 18 cm. Let cool in the fridge for an hour then cut into small squares of 3×3 cm. Melt the 2 packages of icing and pass the squares through the chocolate icing.
Decorate the gifts with food pencils, colored candies and finish with golden fairy dust 😀 (obviously, especially for food products).
If you liked the chocolate gift recipe, you can also try chocolate cookies or a mint hot chocolate.
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