Astazi servim tocana de vitel cu cartofi! Carne de vita gatita perfect, legume aromate cu un sos delicios de ardei desavarsite cu multa verdeata proaspata. O idee inspirata pentru o masa de pranz! Iar daca alegeti sa folositi un multicooker, va fi cu siguranta si o reteta rapida.
(pentru 8 portii / for 8 servings)
- 1 kg carne de vitel / 1 kg veal meat
- 1 kg cartofi / 1 kg potatoes
- 2 cepe albe / 2 white onions
- 2 morcovi / 2 carrots
- 2 catei de usturoi / 2 garlic cloves
- 2 linguri pasta de ardei / 2 tablespoons pepper sauce
- 2 linguri patrunjel verde / 2 tablespoons parsley
- 2 linguri marar / 2 tablespoons dill
- Sare / Salt
- 2 linguri ulei / 2 tablespoons oil
- 1 lingurita chimen / 1 teaspoon caraway
Pentru cele mai bune rezultate, subliniez importanta alegerii unei carni de calitate. Eu am ales pulpa de vitel pe care am taiat-o in cuburi mari cu latura de aproximativ 3 cm. Presaram carnea cu sare mare si o lasam la temperatura camerei timp de o ora.
In Tefal One Pot adaugam 2 linguri de ulei si alegem functia “Brown”. Cand uleiul este incins adaugam carnea si o prajim cate 2-3 minute pe fiecare parte. Adaugam ceapa taiata marunt, morcovul ras si usturoiul zdrobit. Calim 5 minute si adaugam 3 cesti de apa. Inchidem capacul si alegem functia de gatire la presiune pentru 30 de minute.
Depresurizam apoi si adaugam pasta de ardei, cartofii, 2 cesti de apa,sare dupa gust, apoi alegem functia “Stew” pentru 20 de minute. Depresurizam din nou si adaugam patrunjelul si mararul taiate marunt.
Servim tocana cu salata de ardei copti si paine calda.
Indicatii video:
Tips: in cazul in care nu detineti Tefal One Pot puteti sa urmati aceeasi pasi cu o cratita normala si cu cresterea timpului de prepare in fiecare etapa.
Daca v-a placut reteta de tocana de vitel cu cartofi, incercati si coaste de vita la cuptor cu sos de usturoi copt si vin, coaste de vita gatite lent cu risotto, supa gulas.
English version
Veal stew with potatoes
Today we serve veal stew with potatoes! Perfectly cooked beef, flavored vegetables with a delicious perfect pepper sauce with lots of fresh greens. An inspired idea for a lunch! And if you choose to use a multicooker, it will definitely be a quick recipe.
For the best results, I emphasize once again the importance of choosing a quality meat. I chose the best veal and I cut into large cubes about 3 cm. Sprinkle the meat with high salt and leave it at room temperature for an hour.
In Tefal One Pot add 2 tablespoons of oil and choose the „Brown” function. When the oil is hot, add the meat and fry it for 2-3 minutes on each side. Add finely chopped onion, grated carrot and crushed garlic. Heat for 5 minutes and add 3 cups of water. Close the lid and choose the pressure cooking function for 30 minutes.
Then depressurize and add pepper sauce and potato. Add 2 cups of water and salt to taste, choose the „Stew” function for minutes. Depressurize again and add finely chopped parsley and dill.
Serve the stew with baked pepper salad and hot bread.
Tips: if you do not have Tefal One Pot you can follow the same steps with a normal pan and increase the cooking time in each stage.
We recommend you also to try veal short ribs with baked garlic sauce and wine, slow cooked beef ribs with risotto, goulash soup.
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