Incepem sirul Calendarului Advent cu o portie generoasa de castane coapte. Omniprezente la Targurile de Craciun, acestea nu puteau sa lipseasca din retetele inspirate pregatite special pentru sarbatori. Aceste castane coapte au gust si textura similare celor gasite la vanzatorii ambulanti si nu mai punem la socoteala ca se pregatesc foarte usor.
(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)
- 500 grame castane / 500 grams chestnuts
- 1 lingurita sare (optional) / 1 teaspoon salt (optional)
Clatim bine castanele in apa rece. Cu ajutorul unui cutit mic facem o fanta longitudinala pe fiecare castana, incercand sa nu taiem prea adanc. Le punem intr-un bol si le lasam scufundate in apa rece timp de 2 ore.
Preincalzim cuptorul la 220 grade Celsius.
Scurgem apa si rasturnam castanele pe o tava de copt acoperita cu hartie.
Pregatim castanele la cuptorul preincalzit timp de 25 de minute.
La expirarea timpului, transferam castanele intr-un bol in care am pus anterior o alta hartie de copt, presaram sare (optional, daca nu va plac sarate puteti renunta). Impachetam castanele in hartie si acoperim cu un prosop de bucatarie.
Lasam sa se odihneasca timp de 15 minute si servim cu pofta.
Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.
Daca v-a placut reteta de Castane Coapte, va invit sa incercati si alte bunatati de Craciun: Crostata cu visine, bomboane cadou sau o ciocolata calda cu menta.
English version
Roasted Chestnuts
We start the Advent Calendar series with a generous portion of roasted chestnuts. Omnipresent at Christmas markets, these could not be missing from the inspired prepared especially for the holidays. These roasted chestnuts have a taste and texture similar to those found at street market, and let’s not forget that they are very easy to prepare.
Rinse the chestnuts well in cold water. With the help of a small knife, make a longitudinal slit on each chestnut, trying not to cut too deeply. Put them in a bowl and leave them immersed in cold water for 2 hours.
Preheat the oven to 220 degrees Celsius. Drain the water and place the chestnuts on a baking tray covered with paper. Prepare the chestnuts in the preheated oven for 25 minutes. At the end of the time, transfer the chestnuts to a bowl in which you previously placed another piece of baking paper, sprinkle salt (optional, if you don’t like salty you can leave it out). Wrap the chestnuts in paper and cover with a kitchen towel.
Let it rest for 15 minutes and serve with appetite.
You can find the video details of the recipe here.
If you liked the Roasted Chestnuts recipe, I invite you to try other Christmas goodies: Tart with sour cherries, gift candies or a mint hot chocolate.
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