Chec cu ciuperci


Chec cu ciuperci este o alegere excelenta pentru un aperitiv festiv, un mic dejun hranitor sau chiar un pachet delicios pentru scoala. Aceasta reteta combina textura fina a ciupercilor cu aroma bogata a cepei si prospetimea patrunjelului, rezultand un preparat care va incanta papilele gustative ale oricui. Usor de preparat si plin de savoare, checul cu ciuperci este perfect pentru a fi servit rece, aducand un plus de rafinament oricarei mese. Este ideal pentru a fi pregatit in avans si pastrat la frigider, gata pentru a fi servit in orice moment al zilei.

Chec cu ciuperci

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 6 portii)

  • 300 grame ciuperci proaspete
  • 1 ceapa
  • 1/2 legatura patrunjel
  • 1 lingura ulei de masline
  • 50 ml apa
  • 3 oua
  • 2 linguri smantana
  • 1 lingura iaurt grecesc
  • 3 linguri cu varf de faina
  • 5 grame praf de copt
  • Sare
  • Piper
Chec cu ciuperci

Curatam ciupercile si le taiem in cubulete mici. Incalzim o tigaie si adaugam o lingura de ulei si ceapa tocata marunt, impreuna cu 50 ml de apa. Inabusim pana cand ceapa devine translucida, apoi adaugam ciupercile. Gatim la foc mare pana cand toata apa se evapora. Adaugam sare si piper, lasam sa se raceasca, apoi adaugam patrunjelul tocat marunt.

Chec cu ciuperci

Batem bine ouale cu sare, apoi adaugam smantana, iaurtul, faina si praful de copt. Mixam usor pana obtinem o compozitie omogena, pe care o turnam peste ciuperci. Amestecam bine si turnam intr-o tava unsa cu putin ulei si tapetata cu faina.

Chec cu ciuperci

Coacem in cuptorul preincalzit la 170 de grade Celsius timp de 35-40 de minute, pana cand devine frumos rumenit.

Servim checul cu ciuperci rece, ca aperitiv pentru o masa festiva sau ca si mic dejun sau pachet pentru scoala copiilor.

Chec cu ciuperci

Detaliile video ale retetei:

Daca v-a placut reteta de Chec cu ciuperci, va invit sa incercati si:

Oua umplute cu ton
Oua umplute cu ton
Bruschette Toscane
Bruschette Toscane
Cranberry Brie Bites
Cranberry Brie Bites

English version

Mushroom Cake

Mushroom cake is an excellent choice for a festive appetizer, a nutritious breakfast, or even a delicious school snack. This recipe combines the fine texture of mushrooms with the rich aroma of onions and the freshness of parsley, resulting in a dish that will delight anyone’s taste buds. Easy to prepare and full of flavor, mushroom cake is perfect to be served cold, adding a touch of refinement to any meal. It is ideal to be prepared in advance and kept in the refrigerator, ready to be served at any time of the day.

INGREDIENTS (for 6 servings)

  • 300 grams fresh mushrooms
  • 1 onion
  • 1/2 bunch parsley
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 50 ml water
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream
  • 1 tablespoon Greek yogurt
  • 3 heaping tablespoons flour
  • 5 grams baking powder
  • Salt
  • Pepper

Clean the mushrooms and cut them into small cubes. Heat a pan and add a tablespoon of oil and the finely chopped onion, along with 50 ml of water. Sauté until the onion becomes translucent, then add the mushrooms. Cook over high heat until all the water evaporates. Add salt and pepper, let it cool, then add the finely chopped parsley.

Beat the eggs well with salt, then add the sour cream, yogurt, flour, and baking powder. Mix gently until you obtain a homogeneous composition, which you pour over the mushrooms. Mix well and pour into a pan greased with a little oil and lined with flour.

Bake in the preheated oven at 170 degrees Celsius for 35-40 minutes, until nicely browned.

Serve the mushroom cake cold, as an appetizer for a festive meal, or as a breakfast or school snack for children.

If you liked the Mushroom Cake recipe, I invite you to also try Tuna Deviled Eggs, Bruschetta Toscana or a Cranberry Brie Bites.


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