La doar cativa pasi de Rayelin Hotel Istanbul Old City, langa statia de metrou Vezneciler – Istanbul Universitesi, am descoperit un restaurant deosebit, Chef Murad Istanbul. Acesta a fost singurul local pe care l-am vizitat de doua ori pe parcursul sejurului nostru de la cumpana dintre ani, in Orasul celor sapte coline.

Chef Murad Istanbul ofera o experienta culinara autentica, punand accent pe preparate traditionale turcesti reinterpretate intr-un stil modern. Atmosfera este eleganta si confortabila, iar decorul combina armonios elementele traditionale cu influente contemporane.

Meniul este variat, incluzand specialitati din carne, pide traditionale, preparate din legume si deserturi rafinate. Toate mancarurile sunt pregatite cu ingrediente proaspete si de calitate, iar prezentarea este impecabila. Un aspect remarcabil al acestui restaurant este serviciul atent si profesional, personalul fiind mereu dispus sa ofere recomandari si sa explice detalii despre preparate.

Singurul minus pe care l-am observat a fost lipsa completa a bauturilor alcoolice, desi o bere rece s-ar fi potrivit perfect cu multe dintre preparatele servite.

La fiecare dintre cele doua vizite, am fost sase si jumatate la masa 😊, dar am comandat impreuna cat pentru zece persoane.

Toate preparatele au fost exceptionale, dar vedetele absolute au fost pidele. Aceasta specialitate turceasca, adesea comparata cu pizza, se distinge printr-o textura aparte si un gust unic. Pidele sunt preparate dintr-un aluat subtire, copt in cuptor si umplut cu diverse ingrediente precum carne tocata de vita, miel sau pui, branza, oua sau legume, toate asezonate cu ierburi aromatice si condimente. Forma lor alungita sau ovala, alaturi de marginea crocanta, creeaza un contrast delicios cu umplutura bogata si suculenta.

Pidele sunt extrem de populare in Turcia, mai ales in regiunile sud-estice, si sunt considerate o alegere perfecta pentru o masa de familie sau o gustare informala. Exista numeroase variante, fiecare cu propriile sale ingrediente si metode de preparare, iar noi am apreciat atat versiunile traditionale, cat si pe cele moderne, cu combinatii inovatoare de arome.

Pentru desert, am optat din nou pentru delicioasele baklavale, acompaniate de celebra inghetata elastica, o combinatie care nu dezamageste niciodata.

Desi preturile sunt relativ ridicate, calitatea mancarurilor si experienta generala justifica pe deplin costul. Chef Murad Istanbul este locul ideal pentru o cina speciala sau o ocazie deosebita, oferind nu doar preparate excelente, ci si o atmosfera placuta si primitoare.

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English version
Chef Murad Istanbul
Just a few steps from Rayelin Hotel Istanbul Old City, near the Vezneciler – Istanbul Universitesi metro station, I discovered a remarkable restaurant, Chef Murad Istanbul. This was the only place I visited twice during our stay at the turn of the year in the City of Seven Hills.
Chef Murad Istanbul offers an authentic culinary experience, focusing on traditional Turkish dishes reinterpreted in a modern style. The atmosphere is elegant and comfortable, with decor that blends traditional elements harmoniously with contemporary influences.
The menu is diverse, featuring meat specialties, traditional pide, vegetable dishes, and refined desserts. All the food is prepared with fresh, high-quality ingredients, and the presentation is impeccable. A notable aspect of this restaurant is the attentive and professional service, with staff always willing to offer recommendations and explain details about the dishes.
The only downside I noticed was the complete absence of alcoholic beverages, although a cold beer would have paired perfectly with many of the dishes served.
During each of our two visits, we were a party of six and a half, yet we ordered enough for ten people. All the dishes were exceptional, but the absolute stars were the pides. This Turkish specialty, often compared to pizza, stands out with its distinct texture and unique flavor. Pides are made from thin dough, baked in the oven, and filled with various ingredients such as minced beef, lamb, or chicken, cheese, eggs, or vegetables, all seasoned with aromatic herbs and spices. Their elongated or oval shape, along with the crispy edges, creates a delicious contrast with the rich, juicy filling.
Pides are extremely popular in Turkey, especially in the southeastern regions, and are considered a perfect choice for a family meal or informal snack. There are numerous variations, each with its own ingredients and preparation methods, and we enjoyed both the traditional versions and the modern ones, featuring innovative combinations of flavors.
For dessert, we once again chose the delicious baklava, accompanied by the famous elastic ice cream—a combination that never disappoints.
Although the prices are relatively high, the quality of the food and the overall experience fully justify the cost. Chef Murad Istanbul is the ideal place for a special dinner or occasion, offering not only excellent dishes but also a pleasant and welcoming atmosphere.
If you liked the article about Chef Murad Istanbul, I invite you to also try Rayelin Hotel Istanbul Old City, Nusr-Et Steakhouse Sandal Bedesteni or Deraliye Ottoman Cuisine Restaurant Istanbul.
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