

Panzanella este o salata toscana pe baza de paine veche, rosii proaspete si ceapa asezonata cu mult ulei de masline. Pornim de la reteta de baza, care fie vorba intre noi, este extrem de gustoasa, adaugam putina inspiratie si pregatim un festin italian. Insa, inainte de toate facem o oprire la prietenii de la Da Giuseppe Formaggeria Artigianale, pentru unele dintre cele mai bune branzeturi si mezeluri.


Asadar, sa fie o salata panzanella cu mozarella, vinete panzanella si un platou delicios antipasto, insotite de o focaccia senzationala. Ingredientele de mai jos sunt pentru 4 portii.


Salata Panzanella

  • 2 rosii / 2 tomatoes
  • 2 cepe rosii / 2 red onions
  • Busuioc proaspat / Fresh basil
  • 200 grame branza mozarella / 200 grams mozarella
  • 4 felii de paine prajita / 4 toasted bread slices
  • Sare / Salt
  • 4 linguri ulei de masline / 4 tablespoons olive oil

Pentru salata punem intr-un bol ceapa taiata felii, rosiile, cateva frunze de busuioc taiat marunt, sare, ulei de masline si bucatele de mozarella. La sfarsit adaugam painea taiata cuburi si amestecam.


Vinete Panzanella

  • 2 vinete / 2 eggplants
  • 3 ardei copti / 3 baked peppers
  • 1 rosie / 1 tomato
  • 5 catei de usturoi / 5 garlic cloves
  • Patrunjel verde / Parsley
  • Sare / Salt
  • 2 felii de paine / 2 bread slices
  • 50 grame parmezan / 50 grams parmesan
  • Ulei de masline / Olive oil

Spalam vinetele si le taiem pe lung in jumatate. Le crestam pe mijloc fara a ajunge la coaja, le presaram cu sare si le coacem la 180 grade Celsius timp de 20 de minute. Intre timp, punem intr-un blender ardeii copti, rosia taiata cuburi, usturoiul, cateva fire de patrunjel si sare. Mixam amestecul si il rasturnam intr-un bol. Adaugam painea taiata cuburi si jumatate din parmezanul ras. Scoatem vinetele din cuptor si le umplem cu amestecul panzanella. Inainte de a le introduce din nou in cuptor, le stropim cu ulei de masline si presaram cu parmezan. Le lasam la cuptor pana cand sunt frumos rumenite.


Platou antipasto / Antipasto platter

  • Mix de mezeluri italiene / Italian mix meat antipasto
  • Mix de branzeturi / Cheese mix
  • Mix de masline / Olive mix

Secretul unui platou antipasto reusit consta in alegerea celor mai bune ingrediente. Eu am ales de la Da Giuseppe Formaggeria Artigianale. Am folosit un salam de casa, salam Ventriccina Piccante, ceafa de porc afumata, branza Ricotta si Caciotta Morbida. Am mai adaugat cateva masline in ulei si masline picante.



  • 500 grame faina / 500 grams flour
  • 1 lingurita sare / 1 teaspoon salt
  • 6 linguri ulei de masline / 6 tablespoons olive oil
  • 300 ml apa calda / 300 ml warm water
  • 20 grame drojdie proaspata / 20 grams fresh yeast
  • Rozmarin / Rosemary

Pentru focaccia punem intr-un bol faina, drojdia si apa calda si incepem sa framantam. Eu am folosit in aceasta etapa un robot de bucatarie. Adaugam apoi sarea si 3 linguri de ulei de masline. Lasam aluatul la dospit timp de o ora acoperit cu un prosop de bucatarie. Rasturnam apoi aluatul dospit intr-o tava unsa cu ulei de masline si il intindem. Mai lasam la dospit timp de 30 de minute, apoi facem niste adancituri din loc in loc cu varful degetului, ungem cu ulei de masline si presaram cu sare mare si rozmarin. Coacem la 180 grade Celsius timp de 30 de minute.


Servim toate platourile alaturi de un pahar rece de Frizzante nefiltrat de la Domeniile Panciu.


Daca v-a placut reteta pe baza de Panzanella, va invit sa faceti cel mai tare platou Instagramabil de aperitive

English version

Panzanella is a Tuscan salad based on toast bread, fresh tomatoes and onions seasoned with plenty of olive oil. We start from the basic recipe, which is between us, it is extremely tasty, we add inspiration and we prepare an Italian feast. But, first of all, stop at Da Giuseppe Formaggeria Artigianale, for the best cheeses and mix sausages.

So, let it be a panzanella salad with mozzarella, panzanella eggplant and a delicious antipasto platter, accompanied by a delicious focaccia. The ingredients are for 4 servings.

Panzanella Salad

For the salad put in a bowl sliced onions, tomatoes, a few finely chopped basil leaves, salt, olive oil, mozzarella pieces. At the end add the bread cut into cubes and mix.

Panzanella Eggplants

Wash the eggplants and cut them in half. Cut them in the middle , sprinkle them with salt and bake them at 180 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, put in a blender baked peppers, diced tomatoes, garlic, parsley and salt. Mix the mixture and pour it into a bowl. Add the diced bread and half of the grated Parmesan cheese. Remove the eggplant from the oven and fill them with the panzanella mixture. Before putting them back in the oven, sprinkle them with olive oil and Parmesan. Leave them in the oven until they are nicely browned.

Antipasto Platter

The secret of a the best appetizer platter is to choose the best ingredients. I chose from Da Giuseppe Formaggeria Artigianale a homemade salami, Ventriccina Piccante salami, smoked pork, Ricotta cheese and Caciotta Morbida. I put om the plate some olives in oil and spicy olives.


For the focaccia, put flour, yeast and hot water in a bowl and start kneading. I kneaded with a food processor. Then add salt and 3 tablespoons of olive oil. Leave the dough to rise for an hour covered with a kitchen towel. Then turn the dough in a tray greased with olive oil and spread it. Leave to rise for another 30 minutes, then press from place to place with your fingertip, grease with olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt and rosemary. Bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes.

If you liked the recipe based on Panzanella, I invite you to learn how to make the best Instagramable appetizer platter.


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